Today and yesterday I helped my Grandma sort out some of the stuff in her house, it was a very bitter sweet task. Grandma’s house has been the same since I was born, more or less, so making changes doesn’t feel right. But some lovely things came out of it…

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Firstly to start off the changes my Uncle kept some of the lovely furniture that Grandma and Grandad bought around 35 years ago, it included 2 corner units of which have been in the same corners of their lounge since I was born and can remember. When I walked in the lounge yesterday morning to see the empty spaces it felt weird, very different, but at the same time comforting to know that my Uncle has them now and they are going to be looked after and “in the family” for many more years to come.

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I helped Grandma clear up some of the rubbish and bits that needed to go to the tip, a couple of car loads later and the rooms were looking tidier. I helped move around 3 of the bedrooms, including a divan bed and lets just say I will be feeling it tomorrow. In one of the wardrobes I had to dismantle I came across some of Grandad’s possessions which made me feel so happy. Yes, I was sad that we were clearing out a lot of “their” things, but I am so happy that Grandma has kept the lovely things and the meaningful things. It made me so happy to see his smiling face on his travel passes.

One of the extra special finds was Grandma had hung up his dressing gown in this wardrobe and alongside it is Grandad’s age old waistcoat that he wore for his Wedding Day to Grandma – looking pristine in condition and I can just see him standing in it, looking exceptional – just like he did on my Wedding Day.

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A happy/sad clear out day, but I am so glad that firstly my Grandma is happy that we have sorted a lot out and moved the furniture around like she wanted – she cannot do it on her own. I am also glad that I came across some of Grandad’s bits and pieces – it made me happy. Very happy. It’s been 6 months since we said goodbye and not a day goes past that he doesn’t cross my mind – I know he is watching over us all. When I was doing a spot of gardening yesterday afternoon, a pure white feather was sitting in the middle of my lawn. Random. Bright white. He is watching.


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Our Family,

Last Update: Wednesday, 5th March 2014