As some of you may have noticed, Saturday was my 34th birthday and Hubby got me a new “awesome” lens for my new Sony Alpha camera. I was so excited that I kind of forced us to go out for a nice walk. It did us good to get some fresh air but both Mummy and Daddy were not feeling very well, Isla was poorly on Friday and so it wasn’t the most magical of experiences. But, I did get some lovely photo’s with my new f1.8 lens. Yippee. 

We went to our local nature reserve and took up the meadow trail. It follows the edge of the lake and has some nice areas for the children to explore. They especially like the beach area, they didn’t want to move from there. Playing with the stones and seeing how far out they could walk with their wellies. The Muck Boot wellies are slightly higher than the average welly and so they could walk in just that much more, which made them very happy.

The new lens I have is the f1.8, 50mm lens for my Sony Alpha camera. It is amazing. I can get such clarity on the things I focus on and a great blurred background. Something that I just couldn’t get with my iPhone or the standard lenses. I am really excited about all the other types of photos I can get, I cannot wait to get practising and this walk was the first of many. 

Country Kids

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My Photography, Our Family,

Last Update: Tuesday, 10th January 2017