It is no secret that I am a busy person, two small children, active lifestyle and a full-time worker to top it off. Making sure I stay focused and productive is really important to me. I tend to listen to my body a lot and make sure when I am feeling productive I make the most out of it. So what makes that smile stay on my face…


I found the inspiration for this post from they are a provider of small business loans for striving entrepreneurs and the blog posts are really inspiring. So what are my top tips:

My 5 tips for productivity

  1. Make space to work properly, whether that be to type or to make notes. Make sure you feel comfortable in the space you have – otherwise you will be subconsciously thinking about that space!
  2. Make sure you are not hungry. I make sure I have breakfast, otherwise I will not be productive. I am terrible when I am hungry.
  3. To do lists are everywhere: in my bag, on my noticeboard in the kitchen, on an app on my phone and on my desk at work. They keep me on track, because I am easily distracted and also I get so engrossed into things, I can easily oversee something.
  4. Breaking up tasks that are large, helps to keep it manageable. I bet I am not the only one to put off something because it feels like a mammoth task. Break it up, make it easier and do the tasks throughout the day if necessary.
  5. Make the use of the times of day that work for you best. OK I probably said that in a round about way, but you know what I mean. If you work better in the morning, work then. If you work better in the evenings then do the work then. You are the only one that knows when your better time of day is. The working day is changing and the restrictions for working at any time of the day, are loosening. Why shouldn’t you do a few hours in the evening, if it is better for you and the task at hand?

I made a little video, yes I am becoming obsessed with iMovie, I hope it shows a little about what I feel helps me to stay productive and what might be a good tip for you, if you feel you need some tips.

You can see the video on my YouTube channel or you can view it below, I love the clips of my fast-moving feet in between other clips. It makes me giggle.

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Last Update: Friday, 16th January 2015