Motherhood is beautiful. Motherhood is divine. Motherhood is fulfilling. But it is also a painful, exhausting, and difficult recovery process that every new mother has to go through to get back on track with other equally important aspects of her life, such as her career, physical health, mental wellbeing, and friends & family. While all of them are recommended to take a complete rest, relax at home, and take care of their physical health, there are many other ways a new mother can de-stress, especially if they are interested in creating art. These would fulfill their artsy bug while helping them feel at ease.  I loved taking on craft projects when I became a Mum.

Keep reading to find out five craft projects that we think you, as a new mom, would like!

1. Cozy-up your room

Fill your room with lots of cosiness and warmth for the new member! Pillows and cushions are definitely something you can make at home, provided you have access to stuffings for your fluffy creations. 

Making cushions for yourself and your home can prove to be fruitful during the time you rest. You could even customize the shape, size, and amount of stuffing to suit your needs precisely, thus, giving you maximum comfort, especially now, when you need it the most. 

2. Let’s get bubbling

If you’re one of those people who loves to soak into a bathtub after a long day, this might just be the DIY craft for you!

New moms often have skin problems such as irritation, breakouts, dryness, etc. They also need to be gentle to their skin if they have suffered from a tear while giving birth. In such cases, manufactured soaps and bath bombs might cause issues. To avoid this altogether, you can make your own bath bombs and soaps. Use natural oils, organic ingredients, natural essence instead of scents to rest assured that the bath you ran won’t leave you with burning skin.

3. Try a hand at making quilts

Resting in bed is comfortable, but what if we tell you it can get better?

You could try a hand at making quilts for your home. It’ll prove advantageous as you’ll then have a quilt that fits your bed precisely; no shorter side, no folding over, and no budging. You could even try your hand at crafty DIY on the fabric by painting, stitching designs, or making patterns. You can get every kind of quilting fabric online to begin your quilting journey. 

You could also use this crafty hobby to make a cute matching quilt for your newborn.

4. Throw some paint on the canvas!

This one is more about being therapeutic than being crafty. 

Painting can prove to be similar to therapy for you; the soothing touch of a plain canvas, the meditative feeling of blending paint together, the sense of satisfaction when you give your painting small touches, and finally, the exquisite feel of finishing a painting. All this makes painting an experience more than simply a craft or hobby. So find yourself a cozy spot in your home, set up a canvas, and get to painting. It doesn’t have to be brilliant, to begin with; simply try to enjoy the process and feel the difference this craft brings to your mood. 

5. Let’s get knitting!

Crocheting and knitting are two of the most widely known hobbies for people who are healing, and for very good reasons! I have really loved crocheting, it’s really helping me to have mindful moments. They can help you relax, can be therapeutic, and give you a great result in the end. You could learn to make something cute such as hats, scarves, or mittens, to match your baby. 

Crafty hobbies can help you feel better. However, recovery for you, as a new mother, should be your top priority. Relax, rewind, and enjoy your time with the beautiful, new addition to your family. I love craft projects and I found a lot more time to do this when I was a new Mum.

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Last Update: Monday, 31st May 2021