We are 39 weeks today, another week has zoomed by, its all rushing by so quickly, I remember the last month feeling like “forever” when I was pregnant with Noah: not this time! What with the cleaning episodes, my last 2 days at work and the general day to day stuff that needs to be done, I do not have time to stop and the days are literally flying by.The most popular question this week has been “Any twinges yet?” What are twinges? I never had anything with Noah, it was 6pm first contraction and then Noah was born at 1am the next morning – so we went straight into the thick of it. I have no idea what constitutes as a twinge!! But all I can say for the week, is it is pretty similar to last; lots of stomach cramps, SPD pain and a lot of uncomfortable movements from the little wriggler – boy this one can move. I have a video to share from the bath the other night, it actually is starting to look a little bit like a scene from Alien:

My Direct2Mum 39 week update says Feeling mixed emotions this week? This is perfectly normal. Many women flit between the apprehension of labour and caring for a newborn with the excitement and anticipation of finally meeting your new little one after all these months. You may well also have mixed emotions about your pregnancy coming to the end of it’s journey – try to get one last journal post in today with a new photo – who knows, this may be the last time you get chance!” I think its safe to say I have all bases covered: Bumpshoot with hubby the other night – check. Blog post at 39 weeks just incase – check. Feeling mixed emotions, scared about birth and excitement about the newborn – double check. I wonder if this will be the last bumpometer update and if the next post will be about our new baby?

Bumpometer update

Weight: 9.5st

Measurement: 103.5 cms



Maternity Leave has begun 🙂

Possibly, last midwife appointment on Monday at 39+2

1 WEEK until due date!! Nothing else planned, as how can we plan anything??

Will keep you all posted…


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Isla Rae,

Last Update: Saturday, 28th April 2012