I cannot believe yet another week has passed so quickly, where is all this time going? I can only assume that Noah keeps me so occupied and doesn’t allow me the time to sit and ponder on the bump as much that it’s just zooming past. It only seems a few weeks ago that we were having a scan and planning on telling people, it’s madness.
This week has been OK, no real major things happening. I am getting a lot of fetal movement and a lot of cramps, what feel like period pain. I think because of the SPD I am getting a burning feeling in my top left leg/hip area, a hot water bottle helps with that though, so that’s good. I have had many more Braxton Hicks contractions, some are a lot worse than others, but nothing that compares to the real ones – I can safely say I’d know the difference this time around. Funny how with the first pregnancy everything is like “is this it?” and now I’m like I wish it was like that!
The only thing that I really miss about my first pregnancy is having the time to be pregnant, you can relax, you can sit and think about bump and baby, you can really get homed into the whole I’m having a baby experience and this time you simply do not get a chance to be pregnant. Noah is dashing around and once he goes to bed I have other things that need doing, I get my bump time in the bath which is every night before bed and I get my half hour to concentrate on bump and talk to it and think to it etc. one thing I do really wish I’d done this time around is pregnancy yoga. Such a shame I didn’t think about that until now! I would recommend that to all pregnant mums, it gave me 2 hours a week of concentrating on bump and relaxing, it was bliss!
Bumpometer update
weight: 9 st 7
Measurement: 100.5 cms
I packed my hospital bag this weekend…
4 days until the last baby meet up with just 1 little one…
2 weeks left at work… 5 working days
3 weeks on Saturday until due date!!!
wow your bump is beautiful. Its crazy thinking there is a little person in there. Even though I have had two, it still amazes me 🙂