Where do I start today? It’s been non stop, but lots has now, finally, been sorted…

First stop: physio

Well after 10 whole weeks I finally got my appointment and I have a groovy new support belt and exercise routine to do. The appointment was over pretty quickly, with Noah in tow it was probably a good thing. He would soon start playing up if I was in there longer.

So, from here, we just use the belt everyday, which should provide enough support to help me sleep better at night and I complete the exercises given to me in my information guide. I am looking forward to having the last few weeks of pregnancy with nĆŗmero 2 a little less painful, so that I can enjoy being pregnant like I did with Noah.

Next stop: midwife

35 week and 3 days check, to be precise! The first appointment where little man has been with me and quite possibly the last, I nearly combusted whilst in there. He kept running around the room, touching everything, knocking over everything, hands in the bin, grabbing the stethoscope and then playing hide and seek with the curtain. I couldn’t concentrate at all… I was a mess.

But, baby is doing fine, still head down with bum and back to the right hand side and legs and arms to the left hand side which is where all the movement tends to be. Growth is on target and heartbeat is also doing good, a lot slower than the last appointment that was recorded. Bizarre how some midwives do not write the babies heartbeat down, you’d think it would be monitored each time you visit them. Midwife accidentally let on to what she thinks the sex is though,so I am going to eagerly await whether she was right or not! Hehe.


Bumpometer update
weight: 9 st 2
Measurement: 99.5 cms

4 days ā€“ Easter weekend celebrations begin and a perfect excuse to eat a LOT of chocolate
3 weeks left at work
4 weeks on Saturday until due date!!!


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Isla Rae,

Last Update: Sunday, 1st April 2012