Today’s keyword for the #mummyphotoaday photo challenge, March day 17, is “together”. It suddenly dawned on me this morning, over breakfast, when Noah was talking about earning points and prizes. We can only sort their behaviour out if we do it #together. They had suggested the notion of earning certificates and so many certificates earned a prize, a few weeks ago. But I hadn’t put too much thought into it. Namely because their request for a puppy at 100 certificates made it quite unrealistic! But it dawned on me this morning that earning everything is the way forward… so I just blurted out: “for every minute you walk the dogs, you can earn computer time”… with that they both wanted to take the dogs out. No complaints. No negative noises. At all. I was gobsmacked. Then walking around I said: “for every nice photo I get you can have an extra minute”. They wanted to stop and pose for lots of photos, each time they kept a tally (by using stones) for how many times I told them I got a nice photo. Obviously I had to hide the fact I took 9,998 photos. They ended up with 41 nice photos! We got home and they counted up their stones and added it to the minutes walked and they were extremely excited to know they had earned 2hrs and 3 minutes on their computers. They appreciated the devices much more when they did get to go on them too. Whilst they were playing on their devices I made them certificates. So we add stickers to their certificate (almost like a sticker chart). They get a sticker for good behaviour. I told them if I didn’t have to tell them off at great grandmas they would earn a sticker. They didn’t. So they didn’t earn a sticker. They seemed devastated on the way home but both said they would try hard tomorrow! 🤞🏻 we’re getting somewhere… AT LAST! #mummyphotoaday

March photo challenge

Thank you for joining in with this photo challenge so far , I love it! It is quite addictive. I hope more people get involved this year. I love the subjective element to the photo challenge. Everyone’s perspective of the theme of the day is different. It has made me smile seeing all of the images so far. I am very excited about doing a round up of my favourites. Thank you so much for the support in my latest adventure

Here are the March prompts as a reminder, I would love for you to join in. Take a look at the photos that have been uploaded so far #mummyphotoaday.

Get the right tags

In order to join in with March photo challenge, you will need to use the hashtag #mummyphotoaday. You could link to @mummyconstant if you want too. That way I can comment and like the photos. Also, other people that are joining in will be able to find your photos too.

Categorized in:

Our Family,

Last Update: Sunday, 17th March 2019