Today’s keyword for the #mummyphotoaday photo challenge, April day 10, is “fresh”. I love the #fresh new look on the use of plastics everyone seems to have! I see things all over Facebook, daily, urging people to drop the single use plastic and to clean up the beaches. It is essential to our great great grandchildren that we start looking after this earth better. A bit dramatic, but it is true. You may remember a few posts back I showed you a new tumbler that I use on the go, well @artofteavessels also do these lovely carafe sets. They are also made of tourmaline which soaks alkaline into whatever liquid is inside and this means it becomes a healthier drink. So now when we have picnics over the warmer days we can use this carafe set instead of plastic cups! It’s also such a lovely set, it feels really nice to hold. The shape of the cups are comfortable and the carafe is suitable for everything from tea to wine! Perfect for grown up evenings in the garden, enjoying the sunset or on a picnic with the kiddies. We love these Liven products… #mummyphotoaday

What are you doing to reduce your plastic footprint? 🌿🌏🐳

April photo challenge

I love seeing all of the variety of photographs each month. There’s nothing better than a photo challenge. I love the subjective element to the photo challenge too. Everyone’s perspective of the theme is different. It has made me smile seeing all of the images so far. Thank you so much for the support in my latest adventure

Here are the April prompts as a reminder, I would love for you to join in. Take a look at the photos that have been uploaded so far #mummyphotoaday.

Get the right tags

In order to join in with April photo challenge, you will need to use the hashtag #mummyphotoaday. You could link to @mummyconstant if you want too. That way I can comment and like the photos. Also, other people that are joining in will be able to find your photos too.

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Our Family,

Last Update: Thursday, 11th April 2019