It may seem very early to be thinking about Christmas, but the key to good child care is often forward planning, which will allow you to get the best for your kids. The last-minute rush to complete Christmas shopping is often desperately hectic, with millions of shoppers on the streets nationwide, and the price of children’s gifts soars as peak season approaches. The stress of the last-minute rush can exhaust you and damage your parenting. Get organised early not only with home-made presents, but even with these great gift ideas.


Building Blocks

For young children, something that allows them to build and create, such as Duplo, wooden train track or simple building blocks is ideal. Small children can be absorbed for hours in the worlds they imagine with the help of a few basic toys like these. Instead of purchasing dozens of flimsy plastic toys, invest in a few high-quality and hard-wearing wooden presents, which can be passed down from sibling to sibling and eventually stored away for grandchildren.

Get them reading

Books make presents which are as entertaining as they are educational. Most of us remember a picture book from our early years which we still treasure, and older readers with favourite series will pounce avidly on the newest book and read it under the table at Christmas lunch. A number of really good books are available in many online stores for your convenience.

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Things they need

Necessities such as new socks and underwear can be dressed up as presents, adding excitement on Christmas morning without adding clutter to your home. Think of so many necessary items to wrap up – for example, notebooks for school, toiletries or a new pair of shoes. Just make sure that these items would really appeal to kids’ interests.

Creativity and fun

Inexpensive items that get used up make ideal presents, since they are easy on your bank balance and won’t clutter the house forever. Bottles of bubble-blowing mixture are a perfect example. They cost pennies and children will be fascinated by the beautiful bubbles, and encouraged to play outside. Poster paints are also inexpensive and encourage children to be imaginative and artistic.

Things for you

Improve your child care abilities by buying your children presents which you can take advantage of too. For example, buy them a box of chocolates and then encourage them to display good manners by offering them round; buy them a CD of music that you will enjoy, or book tickets for a day trip that you really want to go on too. After all, all that effort means that you deserve a treat, and your children will be delighted if you seem as excited as they are on Christmas day!
Even if Christmas is still a few months away, there is no better way to welcome the season than by preparing early, as this would ensure your smooth and really happy holidays. Moreover, it would also allow you to save as much resources as possible.

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Last Update: Monday, 1st September 2014