We love World Book Day, we also love Harry Potter at the moment. So, it only seemed right to dress up as Harry and Hermoine for World Book Day 2020. I usually make something a bit more creative, involving face paints and drawing on clothes. But for the Harry Potter theme it was relatively easy. I feel like I cheated! This is what they wanted though, promise!
Harry Potter
We chose Harry Potter as we have been watching the movies. At Christmas we decided, as a family, that we would watch them from movie 1, through to 8. We had never got further than movie 3 before because the children were young and they got a little scared. It’s funny as I was nervous about the final movies, they are a 12, but the children were absolutely fine. The most frightened they have been is when the spiders come out in Chamber of Secrets. Which oddly, is Isla’s favourite.
After watching all of the movies, we have decided to read the books together. A chapter a night before bed. It might take us a good few years but we will get there. I love spending that family time together. We have been looking at all the Harry Potter themed memorabilia too. The kids want everything!
It’s amazing to think that the first Harry Potter, The Philosophers stone, came out in 1997. That seems like ages and I remember it well. My little sister was a huge fan and she was only 4 when the first book was released. Which means I was 14! Yes I know its a shock. But I do find it amazing that so many years on, 23 to be precise, my kiddies are just as much in love with the movies and books.
I love all the World Book Day costume ideas on the internet. There have been some amazing ideas on Instagram too, popping up in my timeline all day. Not as many Harry’s as I thought there would be too!
What did you dress up your kiddies for World Book Day 2020? I would love to know in the comments below or on social media: @mummyconstant.
My son doesn’t like fancy dress but I managed to get him to wear a lab coat, wig and glasses as a scientist (as he loves reading science books!)
Thats great – glad he embraced it 🙂 x
I always dread World Book Day as I always seem to be scrabbling around to find costumes for mine. This year was a relief as their school did a pyjama day and promoted bedtime stories!
Thats a great idea Sarah 🙂 x