Since moving I have been looking up tonnes of wonderful goodies for the home. Everything is inspiration and it’s great to see different products and how they alter a room. I have been looking at everything from a larger water tank, to cloakroom sinks. These are some of my favourite Winter essentials though and something for my to do list…

Finding the right cooker

I absolutely love the idea of a cooker that is always on. Can you imagine always having a kettle of water at the ready? Everhot make beautiful cookers and yes they create heat all day. Clues in the name I guess! I would literally sit in front of the cooker all day. I love the dusky pink one… it’s gorgeous. They are slightly out of our budget right now, as the one I love is £9,000. We have just bought a cooker for our budget and I am very excited to get it installed. An Everhot is definitely on my long term to buy list though.

Have plenty of throws

So Coral is the colour on trend at the moment and I simply adore this colour. I love all the beautiful throws in coral, or patterns with coral. They work really well against my grey sofa too! Grey and coral together is my favourite.

Appliances to warm you up inside

Making the perfect brew or toasting crumpets to cover with honey is perfect on a Winters night. I love Haden’s beautiful kettles and toasters – they come in beautiful colours. Teal works really well with coral too! A nice hot chocolate is nice on a cold Winters day too – especially after a nice walk in the forest with the family.

The perfect rugs

Cover up your hard floor areas with rugs. This helps take off the chill on your toes in the morning or evening. I don’t know about you – but I always forget to put my socks on in the morning and am always surprised by the cold kitchen floor! I can’t wait for my new round kitchen rug to turn up so it feels a little more cosy in the kitchen.

With all this snow, more snow warnings coming in and recorded temperatures of -13.6 degrees it is nice to think about ways of warming up. These home essentials are a good way of de-Wintering inside your home! I would love to know your comments in the area below.

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Home Reviews,

Last Update: Tuesday, 2nd July 2019