Ever since I can remember, Hubby and I, have always said that we would love to travel the world as a family. Before children, I remember day dreaming about the places we could visit with our family and now we sit there discussing the places we can explore. There is just so much to see and do. 


#SummerLove in Turkey

The second time we ventured abroad with the children was a year ago, I suppose this was more memorable as the children were older and we could do more with them. We stayed in Turkey and it was a lovely temperature because it was not too hot for the children, we went in September you see. We spent everyday finding something new and having adventures, new restaurants, new people, new beach, new excursion. It was a nice way to explore the surroundings and enjoy a restful holiday. 

IMG_0524One particular day stood out for us, we had booked a boat trip through a local vendor and we went to explore for the day. Eating in local restaurants, meeting local people and seeing fascinating things. We got to see sea turtles, they were gigantic and so graceful, I could have watched them for hours. I also managed to take some lovely photos on that day trip, which helps me remember just how lovely a day it was. That’s the best bit isn’t it, looking back at the photos and remembering the time as if you were there reliving it. 


I can’t really put my finger on something specific that made it so special. I think its just that it was all of us together, exploring. What we had been dreaming of doing since before the children were born. Exploring new Countries and places together. The children were still quite young, but they were very inquisitive. Noah enjoyed getting muddy in the mud baths and Isla enjoyed resting in the natural hot springs. Mummy enjoyed the sea turtles and Daddy enjoyed the big swim in the sea at the beach we visited. Everyone had their favourite moment and thats what is great about exploring. We can all do it together. 

My favourite memory


My favourite memory from this holiday was little Isla, falling asleep in her pushchair with her legs hooked into the hood. It was so funny and had the entire boat laughing, bless her. She had had such a busy day, seeing all of these things and experiencing everything, the hot sunshine too, coupled with a rocking boat was enough to send her to the land of nod.

I would love to hear your favourite memories from your summer holidays. 

This is my entry to the James Villa’s #summerlove competition. The prize is a fabulous weeks holiday in a James Villa’s villa. Fingers crossed.  


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Last Update: Monday, 15th February 2016