Not only have we had a first birthday.. We’ve moved house and we’ve been on our first family trip abroad. Lots to tell you about.
Noah’s first birthday
Thank you to everyone who spoilt my
Lovely little man on his birthday, he got loads of amazing presents and had a great day. He’s been learning to use his quad bike and loves diving in his ball pool and throwing the balls all over the living room. I did attempt to make the quickest cake known to man, which didn’t turn out too bad, considering it took me about 20 mins!
The House move
We have now moved to St Neots to be closer to our family and friends, which we have found to be massively important since having Noah. It’s nice to be 10 mins up the road from his grandparents and 2 min walk from our friends. So far we are loving St Neots and Noah loves his new play room…
Tunisia 2011
Tunisia was fantastic just the break we needed after a few stressful months and moving out of Brampton was a mission, which has been no end of problems. So it’s nice to have a week away from the world and it was nice watching Noah and Daddy play. It’s amazing how many new things he’s learnt this week off of Daddy. He has a new game, talks a little more, tries to say other things etc. it’s lovely to see him changing and growing up. He’s very clever. We got some great photos of Noah on holiday, some of the best ones I’ve put online.
It was strange being in another country with Noah, but right from the word go he was fantastic. He was brilliant on the plane, he didn’t cry or fuss. Just slept and watched Mickey Mouse 🙂 he loves the food in Tunisia he had fun experimenting with all the food and we learnt alot about what he likes. The buffet selection each day was so good, we couldn’t believe there was so much choice. We found out Noah loves pain au chocolate, fish (without batter), stew, strawberry juice, mash potatoe and another of his favourites Ice Cream. He ate loads on holiday, not as much as grandad though!!
Now onto the weekends preparations, party bags are done and I’m off to start baking his cakes!! Yes plural, 2 birthday cakes and many muffins… Yum yum! He’s looking forward to his little party on Sunday, albeit a little late!