Yes, you read correctly, Isla had her 6 week check today at 7 weeks old, the doctors couldn’t get us in before hand. On one of the hottest days that I can remember for this year so far, off we went to the doctors, to get weighed, checked – oh and poop all over the doctor bed. Thats my girl!

This is Noah at 7 weeks old

You can see a little Noah in the photo above, this was actually taken Christmas morning when he was 7 weeks old and below is a photo of Isla at 7 weeks old too – the same age. Look how similar they are, apart from the hair of course. Ahhh I love my little babies!!!

This is Isla aged 7 weeks

Isla is now 4.11kg, which I used an online converter to lbs and she is lovely 9lb – I cant believe how tiny she is still, when Noah was 9lb he was 5 weeks old: just to put into perspective how different she is. I have always had problems with Noah fitting in his range of clothes, I can only imagine that I am going to have it 10 fold with Isla. She really is a dinky donut, which reminds me, I need to buy her a bodysuit with that written on it 🙂

She is very good at copying mummy this week, if I “ooh” and “ahh” at her, she will copy me and start talking back. She has the best BEAMING smile I have ever seen, which just melts my heart and she has certainly found her leg muscles – the little wriggler.

The “colic” seems to have cleared a little which is fabulous, she doesnt cry constantly in the mornings anymore, so I get to stay in bed and feed her (instead of walking downstairs as to not wake Noah up) and I feel like I am enjoying her again. Knowing that she is OK, is making me feel less worried and helpless. She is obviously enjoying her milk as she is nearly double her birth weight!

Noah is getting a lot better with her, in terms of when she cries and giving her affection. She doesnt get hit at all anymore, neither do I, come to think of it – just Daddy! When she cries he doesnt copy her, all of the time, just when he is tired I have noticed he plays up a little – I kind of expect this sort of behaviour when he is tired though. Today he walked up to her when she was sleeping in her nest and he just started stroking her head and he was looking at her so lovingly, it was really cute and I wish I had got it on video.

We are off on our summer holidays soon, as a family of 4 – its going to be exciting and scary all at the same time. I hope they both behave and its sort of a relaxing holiday!! YEAH RIGHT!

I have been thinking about weaning today, and I have forgotten all about what to do, the progress etc – I do remember with Noah he started with baby porridge for breakfast quite early on, I believe as early as 3 months, I think the recommended age is 4 months on the packets – wow I have a lot to relearn, I did come across this product though and I think we need to have one of these in our lives: Philips Avent Combined Baby Food Steamer and Blender I remember the hassle it was to cook Noah’s food in our big processor and how using this little baby one will just be perfect for whipping up some yummy meals for my little princess. I will let you know if Daddy lets me have a new Kitchen tool!

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Isla Rae,

Last Update: Thursday, 28th June 2012