Facial rejuvenation makes up a huge portion of the skincare industry. There is a simple reason for that. Most people want to put their best face forward. Looking their best helps people develop personal and professional relationships. It also improves self-esteem. If you are one of the many people suffering from discoloration, wrinkles or other facial skin ailments, the skincare industry can help.

What Clinical Facial Rejuvenation Is

Clinical facial rejuvenation is any clinical technique designed to improve the health of the skin on your face. Some facial rejuvenation techniques can also help you repair skin on other parts of your body as well. Many such techniques have two goals. One is to repair visible damage. The other is to promote healing for long-term skin protection.

Ways Facial Skin is Fortified and Repaired

One way facial rejuvenation techniques can repair skin is by creating an environment conducive to cellular repair. When your body thinks its cells are under attack, such as by a laser, it will respond by producing more substances to protect the skin. One of those substances is collagen.

Another way some facial rejuvenation treatments can heal your skin is by infusing it with healthy ingredients. Such ingredients include hyaluronic acid, glycolic acid and vitamins C, A and E. Among the procedure that can involve such ingredients are aesthetic JetPeel treatments and chemical peels. When such ingredients are involved, it helps repair your skin and protect it from future damage at the same time.

Clinical Cellular Repair Procedures and Skin Exfoliation

Another reason to have a facial treatment is exfoliation. Exfoliation is the process of scrubbing or otherwise lightly abrading your skin to get rid of substances that are not supposed to be there. Those substances could include dirt or foreign materials clogging your pores. Dead skin cells can also be exfoliated with procedures like laser treatment or microdermabrasion.

Gentle, Natural Clinical Repair Options for Your Skin

Some of the gentlest and most natural treatments for the skin on your face are very non-invasive. For example, JetPeel is a gentle process involving the use of saline in combination with oxygen to gently exfoliate the skin. Similarly, non-laser light treatments tend to produce less heat than lasers. Therefore, they have fewer side effects and involve less recovery. That means you can easily fit them into your schedule, but you are likely to need many treatments to make a difference.

Clinical Facial Rejuvenation Heavy Hitters

In the world of clinical facial rejuvenation, there are several heavy hitters. They are treatments that get deep into your tissue, if needed. Most of them offer fast short-term results, and often long-term improvements as well. They include microdermabrasion, laser peels and chemical peels.

Customization of Your Facial Rejuvenation Treatment

It is important for your facial rejuvenation treatment to be customized to treat your skin. That is why there are so many different versions of certain treatments. Lasers can be customized for different skin depths, as can chemical peels. Nevertheless, not every treatment is ideal for your skin, even if it can be customized.

How to Know the Right Treatment for You

There is no concrete set of criteria to quickly help you pick a skincare treatment. It is far easier to quickly determine which treatments are wrong. For example, chemical treatment is not ideal if you prefer a more natural approach. In that way, you can go through a process of elimination. However, you eventually need to have your skin evaluated by a professional at your local clinic. He or she can use knowledge and experience to address your concerns and possibly help you identify issues of which you were not yet even aware. Then the two of you can work together to select a facial treatment method.

What do you do each month to treat yourself and look after your body? I would love to know in the comments below.

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Last Update: Wednesday, 4th December 2019