The winter is coming and it’s high time to start preparations for it. We are naturally warming our bodies and houses but we need to take care of our cars. No one likes to drive in the winter because of the slippery roads, poor visibility, skiddings and other not very pleasant circumstances which makes the driving process less enjoying. Incidents on winter roads usually result in more serious consequences than during all other seasons, so let’s start “winterising” our cars now.

Before moving to the aspects especially important for winter preparations, it is necessary to make sure that your documents are in order. Make sure that your insurance, driver’s license, and registration are valid.

Active drivers should also pay attention to their number plates. According to UK legislation, it is required that a vehicle has number plates on its front and back which should be clearly visible and comply with the DVLA.  If your plates do not comply with this or are damaged, you can be fined upwards of £1,000.

When you buy a new car, you should always make sure that the number plates are in order and registered to yourself. This is also true when you buy a private number plate, with companies like Absolute Reg in the UK stressing the importance of completing an accurate registration transfer.

Check the brakes

It is better to replace brake pads before winter, even if they are not completely worn out. Remember that the difference in the brake points of the wheels is the main cause of sidewise skidding.

Wear snow tyres

The best option for the winter – studded tyres, which will provide a strong traction with the road. They are also good on roads cleared of snow and at the time of thaws.

Choose a proper Antifreeze liquid

If the coolant systems are not in the proper condition, they can be overheated or freeze due to the low temperatures. So please do not forget to use the proper antifreeze in your engine coolant. Some auto enthusiasts prefer to pour distilled water into the tank but it is not the best choice, as it can affect the pump wear. Moreover, in the winter, water can damage not only the cooling system, but also the engine itself.

Examine the car’s electrical system.

Pay special attention to the condition of the alternator belt. It should not have cracks or be greasy. Check its tension. The recharge of the battery and the functioning of the entire electrical system as a whole will largely depend on the operational efficiency of the alternator.

Heating system

Ensure that the heating system of your car works correctly and the core doesn’t leak. If everything is fine, you will have control over the temperature inside the car otherwise you may be in danger if you are stuck somewhere off the road.

One last extra tip: there should be a winter survival kit in your car, containing gloves, medicaments, warm clothes, extra batteries for your phone,  boots and a sleeping bag. You may never need it, but it is better to be prepared for the unexpected and emergencies.

As you may see from the aforementioned tips, there are lots of different steps to take to prepare a car for winter. So, in order to avoid unnecessary difficulties, you need to start it in advance. After completing all of the necessary procedures, checks and replacements, the probability of a failure is negligible. And if you aren’t able to conduct these checks yourself, engage a professional!

Drive safe and be careful on the road in winter and any other time of the year.

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Last Update: Thursday, 19th December 2019