Naturopathica recently sent me some CBD capsules to try out for 30 days to see how I felt and record my journey to share with my readers. It was refreshing to try them as it left me feeling less anxious and calmer. Which, with all the announcements from the government, work being stressful and homeschooling – it was really needed! Looking after our mental health is really important, and as a mental health first aider I am really keen on exploring new ways to improve my mind and health.

I received Naturopathica CBD+ Wellbeing and Mind capsules. They are both vegan and full details of the capsules are on the website. CBD+ Wellbeing capsules contain a concentrated dose of full spectrum CBD, minerals and vitamins. The vitamins are A, B1, C D2, B12 & E, these all contribute to the normal function of your immune system. CBD+ Mind capsules contain the same concentrated dose of CBD as well as Taurine, Ginseng, Vitamin B2 & B5. This contributes to normal mental performance. 


So, these 2 capsules are looking after my immunity and my mental health. CBD (cannabidiol) is one of many cannabinoids found in the hemp or Cannabis Sativa L. plant which has been used for thousands of years. Cannabinoids are active compounds which act on cannabinoid receptors in cells that alter neurotransmitter release in the brain. Unlike cannabis, hemp is naturally higher in CBD. CBD is completely non-psychoactive and therefore won’t cause a euphoric effect, making it safe for use. It’s not a drug and not illegal. I have had lots of people feedback they think it’s naughty, disassociate the CBD capsules from the Class C drug. They are different. 

Naturopathica wellbeing

I guess the result of me taking these capsules is that I have felt a little more tolerant of everything going on. I have been suffering with back pain and tiredness, due to stress and these capsules helped to keep that at bay. I also felt sharper at work, able to concentrate and had lots of energy to complete the tasks I needed to. I noticed the difference when the capsules wore off and I started to feel sluggish again, my back pain and shoulder pain also came back. 

Naturopathica mind

Guess what I will be stocking up on again? Yes these CBD capsules! Have you ever tried CBD capsules, I would love to know how they made you feel in the comments below. 

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Last Update: Thursday, 11th March 2021