Midwife appointment today, I always look forward to hearing bubba’s heartbeat, so it’s a very exciting appointment for me. Today wasn’t so happy, 2 words – BLOOD TESTS! I hate them and I had to have them today, I was unprepared, I didn’t have my chocolate fix for afterwards and I have spent all afternoon feeling a little woozy. Yes, call me a wimp.


This is from Noah’s pregnancy – I was 25 weeks here… Bump looks very similar this time around. The pregnancy is very similar too, the only thing that is really different is the pain in my pelvis!

I have SPD 🙁 I have been referred to the physio and hopefully they will be able to help me… fingers crossed. I will let you know about that when it happens! The symptoms I am feeling are stinging pains and aching pains in my pelvis area, things like side stepping hurts a lot and I can’t do it! It hurts to get up and sit down, I am ok once I get walking, but the initial moving is really painful. If you feel this then I would speak to your midwife.

She told me its because the pelvis area is soft and because Noah has already been down there, its possibly even softer this time around, oh and little bump has its head down – putting pressure on my pelvis… the little monkey!!

Fingers crossed the appointment comes through soon and I can get back on track. Glad all is well with bubba though, heartbeat is fine, head is down, measurements are perfect – phew!

12 weeks to go…


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Isla Rae,

Last Update: Thursday, 9th February 2012