Have you ever thought about creating an online digital storybook all about your tiny ones? The Day Baby Was Born is a great new site from Tommee Tippee and all you need to log in is your Facebook details, yep and its all free!

It is a perfect site for mums & dads to create their own online digital and personal story, from the moment you find out you are pregnant and you see that glorious “line” on your pregnancy test, to the magical day your baby is born!

Its hard to explain just how quickly the time flies in those months, the adventure to becoming a mummy & daddy is just amazing, capturing special moments and feelings about your pregnancy and unborn baby, its a great way to store it all and look back later on. Bringing a baby into this world can be so overwhelming, having a place to store your emotions and thoughts as easily as this website, means that you can record them as soon as you feel/think them…

Speaking from a mummy of 1 and 1 on the way, I know that I missed my bump and I did forget what it was like being pregnant with Noah – did I have the same emotions? Did I react the same way to things? Did I feel like this when I was 6 months pregnant back then? It would be fantastic if I had somewhere to look back and compare it to how I feel now. But on the other hand I can write the storybook for my current pregnancy and store all that info for when I want to look back. All is not lost! This website certainly makes it easy for you to record prescious moments and just as easy to look back at them.

Some of the fab things that you can record in your storybook:

What was happening on the day of your babies birth? Choosing from a list of top news items, you can see a glimpse of what was going on in the world on the day your baby was born.

Special messages can be recorded on your Storybook on the birth announcement of your baby bundle, the website pulls through Facebook comments and automatically stores it into your storybook.

You can keep an online Pregnancy Journal, writing your most inner thoughts and special moments along the way.

With the great uploading facilities you can create a digital photo storybook, showing the progress of your “bump” and the first few images of your little baby.

And for those parents that want to, you can share your storybook with your Facebook friends & when your baby arrives they can download a colour copy for themselves!

Here is a quick glimpse of my online digital photobook:
WOW! 99 days until baby is born, eek…

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family, reviews,

Last Update: Thursday, 19th July 2018