It is no great secret that Noah is quite obssessed with Thomas & Friends, he watches it at every opportunity, has an ever growing collection of trains and tracks, books, puzzles and games. Lucky for Noah he was sent the new Fisher-Price Take-n-Play Spills and Thrills on Sodor set and he absolutely loved it.
It is a great little set, not like the normal track sets where they lay on the floor and you can push your trains around, this track leans up against a surface (wall or unit) and the trains free fall down to the bottom. The track can be joined up to the other take-n-play tracks but from the bottom, it’s a good set to have at the start of your track. Noah just loves it up against his unit though and whooshes the trains down, again and again.
I did put together a little video with the help of my Thomas tester, Noah loves getting involved with videos and photos now and so I want to include him as much as possible. This video shows you what the Spills and Thrills set does, how it can be played with and of course, what Noah thinks of Thomas:
It is a great and fun track to have with the take-n-play sets, at first I thought it wouldn’t be played with a lot because it leans up against the wall but in fact it is the opposite: Noah plays with this track the most. We were also sent a Fisher-Price Take-n-Play Stepney Engine to play with and Noah knew who he was as soon as we unwrapped the parcel, “Stepeney” as he pronounces him. He had seen him from the show and knew exactly who he was and what he does. I just love watching him play, creatively and imaginitively with his die cast trains. They are incredibly durable and put up with a lot from those tots!