We were super lucky to get an afternoon at Planet Ice in Milton Keynes at the weekend. We went ice skating for around 90 minutes and then had a well earned Papa John’s meal afterwards. It was a great afternoon. The kids had not skated before and I haven’t done it for years, it was quite scary when you first get back on the slippy ice.

At first both Noah and Isla cried. They underestimated how slippy it would be. They held onto Daddy and I but they literally couldn’t keep their skates on the ice. So we got the penguin and polar bear aids, these were perfect. The aids are really heavy and provide a balancing aid with handles for the children. Well not just the children as I had to hold onto it too otherwise I nearly toppled over a fair few times.

Daddy on the other hand – he was incredible. He zoomed around the Planet Ice rink like he had been doing it all day, everyday. He said he used to go every week when he was younger as there used to be a rink near where we grew up. He has obviously retained some of the knowledge. It worked out well though as I tried to “act” confident in front of the kids as I wanted to encourage them, but I wasn’t any good. Daddy was very confident and therefore a great role model to teach the children.

So after 15 minutes of crying and “I can’t do this”, it soon turned into smiles and “look at me’s”. It was nice to watch their transition and I am just so glad that Daddy influenced their first experience on the ice.

For a family of 4, it costs £39.60 and you can skate as long as you like. On Saturday it opened at 11am and closed at 4pm – that’s a lot of skating time. I really liked that idea because there is no rush. If we had only an hour on the ice then Noah and Isla wouldn’t have progressed as much as they did. When we got home Noah asked multiple times if he could go back every week! What a transformation. He was super on the ice though, he kept saying he wanted to go fast. I am sure it wouldn’t be long until he is zooming around the rink like the professionals.

Isla ice skating

After our skating session we went upstairs, whilst waiting for our dinner to arrive we sat and watched the Under 14’s hockey match. It was amazing seeing these kids without fear on the ice. I think it helped to show the kids that it wasn’t too scary too. I loved the fact that there was an ice hockey sports channel on in the restaurant too. We could sit and watch the matches, I think it was Great Britain against Germany.

Our meal was delicious, we had a carb feast which was perfect after all of our exercising. It’s amazing how many muscles I used that I hadn’t for a long time! Isla had a burger from the kids menu, the meal was ginormous and Noah had a big boy burger – but judging by the size of the kids meals he didn’t need this. Hubby and I shared a vegetarian burger and a vegetarian pizza.

It was super sweet as the manager brought out some balloons and cake for Isla’s birthday. She was made up.

Overall, I definitely think it’s something we will do again as a family. I would go as far as saying I think the kids would like lessons at Planet Ice to improve on their techniques. Maybe Mummy needs some too! Have you tried ice skating? Do you have any tips for beginners, if so, I would love to hear in the comments below.

We received our ice skating and meal trip in exchange for my honest review. All opinions and photography are my own.

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Days out,

Last Update: Thursday, 16th May 2019