The wonderful Green People team, sent me a fantastic product to review with Noah. Organic Children is a range developed especially for our little ones and they have a wide range of great products:


Noah was born with a very thick head of hair and it didn’t shed like people said it would, so it has only got thicker and fuller as he has got older, I absolutely love his hair, but I have always had trouble a) finding a conditioner for children and b) getting the tangles out of his long locks… With hair like this:20120201-183757.jpg

You NEED conditioner!

I was lucky enough to review the Lavender Conditioner from Organic Children, which you can purchase on the Green People website. First thing that I noticed was the smell is lovely, it made Noah’s hair feel silky when we applied it to his hair and the best thing was that you didn’t need to use very much at all… a minimal amount seemed to be sufficient! Their products are made from up to 90% organic active ingredients, which means you do not need to use as much (there is very little water content & synthetic fillers in the bottle) and it lasts in the hair longer. Noah has really shiny hair at the moment and it is so easy to brush, despite how thick and curly it is.

 It does cost a little more than some other products, but it will last a long time & it also stays effective for a long time, quality is worth it!

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Last Update: Wednesday, 9th January 2019