It’s always nice to receive goody bags through the post. It was a lovely surprise to receive this package from Lights by TENA: full of useful items to get you out of those oops moments! lights by TENA created this kit full of foolproof solutions to make it easier to deal with everyday moments that will empower you and show the world that nothing needs to be a big deal, certainly not light bladder weakness! It got me thinking about what I use around me, day to day, to help me in my Oooops moments. You know, the things that you have in your handbag…
If you haven’t heard about the C’est La Vie campaign you can see the very funny advert below. I just love the fact that the message is not to worry about these things. Not to let anything stop you in your tracks.
So here are my useful family inspired tips to cope with those Ooops moments, that I always carry around in my handbag:
Baby wipes: Isla, albeit out of nappies, will just stop and want a wee that second! So I always carry a pack of baby wipes around with me for these occasions. She will quite literally stop and drop, wherever she is.
Sweet Treats: When I need to bribe the children I tend to go with a sweet treat. Whether that is a packet of Claws, or a chocolate bar, there will be one in my bag. This will be to bribe the children to behave, to stop fighting or divert from the tantrum erupting. Especially after the school run when they are worn out from school, they can be quite hard work.
Hair bobble: You never know when you might need to tie the little ones hair back or my own for that matter. Isla’s hair is often covered in paint, Play Doh, food and general dirt.
Marker pen: this might sound strange but I always forget to label their clothes (especially non school uniform days) and more often than not I will be out the school gates marker pen in hand writing their names in their clothes whilst they are walking!
CalPol sachet: I seem to have the clumbsiest children. So having these sachets are always handy. It means we can just carry on and finish the activity, even if we have fallen over or got an ear ache for example.
And last but not least…
lights by TENA Liner: The hero health product that always comes in handy. I can at least be confident when doing my HIT session, or can bounce on the trampoline for at least five minutes knowing I have one of these handy.
To find out more about lights by TENA and order your free sample visit the website: