As many of you, we have pets which consists of cats and dogs, both of which have different requirements of care when it comes to firework night. Or in many cases, firework month as they seem to be going of on a nightly basis. We have different issues with the dogs, than we do with the cat but there is a cross over in the level of care we have to take as a family.

Make sure they stay inside

We do not take the dogs to firework displays and we most certainly keep the cat in, especially at night, during firework season. You never know where the rockets will end up and the only way to prevent an accident is to keep the animals inside and safe.

Use YuCALM to calm them

YuCALM is made from natural ingredients and helps the animals calm down, this means that our poor dogs can have a relaxed evening without worrying what that huge whizz popping is outside. One of our dogs, the Jack Russell, is particularly frightened of fireworks. So much so, we havent been to many displays before as someone has always stayed with him to keep him company.

Create a safe place

Our Jack Russell likes to build himself a little hiding place when the firework season starts, he literally hides in a corner of the lounge and I build it up with cushions and a comfy blanket to help him feel safe. He literally sits there and shakes until the popping noises stop. It is really upsetting to watch, I cannot imagine what he must feel like.

Make it play time

When the fireworks begin, try playing with your dog or having a snuggle, if they are willing. Our Jack Russell is so frightened that he just wants to sit and shake, without interaction. So I am hoping this year the YuCALM really makes a difference.

Put on a loud movie

Sometimes we have resorted to watching a movie and making sure the volume is set to loud, so it drowns out some of the popping outside. This does help to calm him down, especially as he see’s us relaxed. Sometimes, when the fireworks are overhead it doesn’t work as the popping vibrates through the house. Then all you can do is reassure him.

Spotting the signs

Here are 5 signs that your dog is nervous: 

  1. Quivering or panting when it’s not to do with the weather
  2. Restlessness and hiding
  3. Tucked tails and ears held flat against head
  4. Toileting or destructiveness in the house
  5. Excessive barking and aggressive responses

If your dog is showing any of these signs try and make them feel calmer by using some of the tips above and if that does not work seek advice from your vet. 

Firework image by ShutterStock.

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Our Family,

Last Update: Friday, 4th November 2016