Yes, like 1 million of you an hour or so ago, I have been watching the Johnny Depp vs Amber Heard cross examination and it is nail-biting! I watched most of the cross examination last night and I have watched pieces today and I have to say I am quite gobsmacked with what I have heard and seen. I mean why is there no evidence of any of the abuse for starters? But lots of evidence of set up tables and Johnny asleep? So many questions! Here’s my thoughts from what I have seen so far…

I have been watching the case so far on the Law and Crime YouTube channel. They are showing live coverage of the case including evidence that is being submitted. There are a lot of Tweets on Twitter too, some are rather hilarious (one of my favourite’s below).

Lack of evidence

I have so many questions here. Why are there no photos of her with physical evidence showing that she has been abused? She claims she bled from sexual abuse, why did she not capture this horrificness? Why did she have lots of photos of Johnny asleep, and tables with alcohol, drugs and cigarettes placed on it. But nothing of Johnny seemingly abusing her?

Also, there are absolutely no medical notes to suggest that Amber sought medical advice for any of these incidents. If someone broke my nose or sexually assaulted me I would be seeking medical help immediately.

The only evidence I have seen that is submitted by Amber is of Johnny napping. Or Amber sending these photos to her friends. I am really confused.

From what I can see there is a lot of evidence of Johnny sleeping. Not abusing. Not shouting. Not doing anything, other than sleeping.

Covering up with make-up

So, today we heard that Amber covered up her bruises and marks with make-up. Also she confirmed that Johnny always wore rings. And therefore would have had a ring on when he apparently broke her nose – so, if someone hits you with rings on, on the nose, would that not cause cuts and bleeding, not just bruises? Also, you would not be able to cover this up with make-up.

This is a photo of her the day after her nose was “supposedly” broken:

Amber Heard and Johnny Depp with Don Rickles
Screenshot from Law & Crime YouTube Live Broadcast

My questions are where are the photos of her injuries? Where are the videos of her turmoil? I have not been in a position where I am being punched by a partner, but if it was a regular thing I would like to think I could capture some evidence. Seen as though she is very quick off the mark to take photos of him asleep or tables full of drugs and alcohol. I just don’t understand it!

My other questions is – does make up really cover up bruises that well? Or a broken nose that well? If so, I am using the wrong make up and need to get some new stuff to cover up my bad skin! Every single time she claims he did something horrific, a photo of her at an event or on a TV Show the next day she looks flawless. How can this be possible?

Are you not afraid?

This particular issue has stuck with me a lot over the last few weeks. If you thought this person is a monster, would you not be afraid of everything? Amber responded with “why would I be afraid” when asked if she would be afraid of the monster for taking the pictures of him asleep.

Amber is also captured in an audio clip speaking horrendously to Johnny; no sign of fear at all. No timidness about her words, tone of voice or tempo of words. In fact, it is quite the opposite – she is quick with her words, viscous and very belittling towards Johnny. Would a victim of such abuse be able to speak like this? It really doesn’t seem to add up for me.

The audio can be heard here, warning there is a lot of swearing in this audio clip.

Lying about the donations

There has been quite a fixation on Amber’s lack of donation to the charities she pledged money too from the divorce with Johnny. She pledged all of her divorce settlement; $7m. Half each to 2 charities. The only money they have received so far is from a small donation Johnny sent to the charities directly and Elon Musk! We have learned that Amber told Johnny not to carry on paying the charities directly and to pay her. And that she sat on the settlement for a period of 13 months and still didn’t give it to the charities. Amber claims she couldn’t as she was sued from Johnny. However, the claim of defamation came 13 months after she received the funds. So, why did she sit on the money for 13 months?

Amber also claimed on multiple platforms; TV Shows and including in the trial that she has paid the money to these charities. However, in cross examination Amber admitted that she had not actually paid these yet. She had pledged. Which is not the same thing!

Victims of Domestic Abuse

I really hope that if Johnny was abused by Amber, that this is an eye opener for everyone, worldwide. Men do get abused too and I hope a result of this case is that men speak up more. And they have actual proof, not photos of someone asleep on a chair. If you are in a position where you are suffering from Domestic Abuse, this link to the website gives guidance on how you can get help. Men and women need help and you are not alone!

Camille Vasquez

I just want to finish this article by celebrating the inspirational Camille Vasquez. She is absolutely amazing. She is one of the Johnny’s lawyers who is professional, clever, articulate and powerful. Oh and absolutely beautiful to top it all off. She is a true inspiration to people wanting to get into the law profession. She is not rude, or sarcastic, she is just very clear and to the point. Factual.

Attorney Camille Vasquez, attorney for actor Johnny Depp, appears in the courtroom at the Fairfax County Circuit Courthouse in Fairfax, Va., Monday April 18, 2022. Depp sued his ex-wife Amber Heard for libel in Fairfax County Circuit Court after she wrote an op-ed piece in The Washington Post in 2018 referring to herself as a “public figure representing domestic abuse.” (AP Photo/Steve Helber, Pool)

This is part of my new True Crime section at MummyConstant. If you have any further comments on the Johnny Depp vs Amber Heard case or ideas to explore please do add your comments below, and check out my other posts! I have written this half way through Day 17 of the trial – so I may more thoughts by the time I go to bed!

(Main image found online at AS USA)

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True Crime,

Last Update: Wednesday, 1st May 2024