February is one of my favourite months, all the fantastic love heart products are out for sale and beautiful things for the home are in abundance. I love hearts, I love the shabby chic look and I love seeing all this fantastic inspiration around. What a great month for doing up the house?


I saw some interesting pins on the Next Pinterest boards and it made me think about how hearts have inspired my home and how many things I have actually purchased lately from Next and other stores like the dotcomgiftshop that are heart related/themed. So I started up my very own Heart in the home pin-spiration board:

[alpine-phototile-for-pinterest src=”board” uid=”mummyconstant” board=”heart-for-the-home-pin-spiration” imgl=”pinterest” pinit=”1″ dlstyle=”medium” style=”wall” row=”4″ size=”192″ num=”8″ max=”100″]

It is amazing how many pretty heart things you can buy for your home from great homeware stores, like Next and dotcomgiftshop. My 2 most favourite shops for buying things for my home.


What do you think about hearts around the home? Too much? Do you need more? I would love to know your comments on this hot-hearty topic… I simply have them everywhere I can, on my shopping list there is heart shaped chopping boards, the plate set to match my cups and some heart cutlery to name just a few items.


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Categorized in:

Home Reviews,

Last Update: Tuesday, 18th February 2014