Rosacea is a skin condition which typically affects women with fair skin, most commonly appearing across areas of the face. Since rosacea can occur in a number of ways and still relatively mis-understood it can be confused with a number of other skin conditions. Here, The Laser Treatment Clinic are helping to differentiate rosacea from other very common skin conditions.
What are the symptoms of rosacea?
Rosacea will usually appear as redness across the central area of the face or, as it is often known, the ‘T zone’. This includes the nose, cheeks, chin, and forehead. It can, however, also appear down the neck and around the eyes, causing irritation. Since there is no definitive cause of rosacea, it is unclear why and how these symptoms occur. Often a rosacea sufferer will experience different stages with their symptoms. Going through ‘flare-ups’, where the skin becomes increasingly sensitive, red, and irritated. With no known cause, there is no cure for this skin condition. There are many treatments available which do help to reduce symptoms and manage irritation, including laser treatments.
The first signs of rosacea typically include:
- Persistent redness across areas of the face
- Irritation such as a burning or stinging sensation.
There are many other symptoms which those diagnosed with rosacea report, these include:
- Very dry skin
- Discolouration of the skin, usually in patches
- Sore eyelids or crusts around roots of eyelashes – this could also be Blepharitis (a common eye condition which causes the eyes to become irritated and sore)
- Thicker skin, usually on the nose
How is rosacea treated?
Since there is no complete cure for rosacea, many skin experts, doctors and dermatologists have worked to offer the best solutions possible to those who suffer with the symptoms. This becomes a matter of choice and trial and error. Finding a treatment which works for you may take time but, with success, can alleviate your symptoms and manage flare-ups.
- Often small changes to what you eat, and drink can have a major impact on the severity of your symptoms. Doctors often recommend keeping a record of your daily diet to spot which foods may be causing flare-ups.
- Oral medications
- Creams and lotions recommended by a pharmacist or prescribed a doctor or dermatologist
- Skin treatments such as laser therapy and dermabrasion
Maybe it is not rosacea – Check what else it could be
Rosacea is often mis-diagnosed since it can look like a lot like other common skin conditions. Including:
- Acne – if you do have redness alongside breakouts, you may have acne as opposed to rosacea. It can sometimes be very easy to confuse these two common skin conditions.
- Different types of Dermatitis – When experiencing dry, irritated skin, this could be contact dermatitis. Which is a type of eczema triggered by contact with a particular substance.
- Lupus – Lupus is often a difficult condition to diagnose and is regularly confused for other conditions like rosacea. This is because lupus can also cause skin rashes.
- Keratosis Pilaris – This is a common but harmless condition where small bumps will appear on your skin.
Seeing a dermatologist is often the best way to get an accurate diagnosis for your skin concerns. A dermatologist specialises in understanding a variety of skin conditions which means they can easily differentiate symptoms.