Surfing is one of the great summer pastimes enjoyed by millions across the globe. As a family, we usually take body boards to every beach we visit. In the UK, more than 500,000 surfers take advantage of our 11,000 miles of coastline, according to the International Surfing Association. With so many possible sites to grab a wave, you’ll want to know how to find the perfect surf spot, whether at home or travelling abroad. Here are some tips:

Grab Your Surf Hoodie and Other Gear

When you are heading out for a day of surfing, remember to bring all your gear and your surf hoodie so that you’re ready for any situation and all kinds of weather.

On that topic, always be sure to check the weather forecasts. Bad weather can make your day out less enjoyable and can also make surfing dangerous. When looking for the perfect surf spot, look for areas with consistent temperatures, wind, and waves and keep in mind how the environment changes throughout the seasons.

Check Out Ocean Conditions

While you are taking a moment to research the weather, look at the ocean conditions as well. Consulting tidal charts and surf reports will give you some insight into the waves you can expect at a given location. The right spot for you is appropriate to your level and that means considering wave size, power, and speed.

Research Possible Hazards

Safety should always come first, so be sure to inform yourself about possible hazards such as shallow reefs, rip currents, and standing waves. When you arrive at the beach, check for signs that warn of potential danger. Local surfers and lifeguards can also provide you with the advice you need to stay safe and which areas are appropriate for your skill level. Also be sure to wear the proper gear, such as a wetsuit or flotation device when needed.

Talk to Experienced Surfers

Experienced local surfers may be one of your best resources when you need some advice or guidance. This is true whether you are a beginner or have some experience of your own. Local surfers likely know all the best spots and can guide you to them. You may even want to consider joining a local surfing community to make acquaintances and pick up some information and tips.

Explore Different Locations

They say that experience is the best teacher, so when you are looking for the perfect surf spot, you should be trying out different locations to get a feel for them. Differences in region and terrain have a significant effect on the surfing in that area, giving each location a unique feel. Research the area and know what to expect. For example, if surfing in an estuary, you are more likely to find calmer water and are more likely to encounter marine life.

Wherever you choose to surf, your best approach is to be informed so that you are more likely to enjoy optimal conditions and stay safe. Also remember to check out the rules and regulations before you go, as some locations may be closed during certain periods, or may even require a permit.

More than anything, have fun. And if you are new to surfing, or are introducing a friend, check out our gifts for surfers to make the experience the best it can be!

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Last Update: Wednesday, 1st May 2024

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