It’s no secret that Isla has been a terrible sleeper, right from day 1. I have to be honest, we are not great at keeping that bedtime routine. But, on the evenings where we do have a routine and a calm one, they go to bed a lot better. Obvious, I know. But when you have dance clubs, cubs, football training, homework, reading and just life to add into the mix – it’s hard to keep to a strict routine.

Isla was thrilled to receive her very own rolltop bath, in the form of Baby born bathtub. She said “It’s exactly like yours Mummy, but pink”. She has really taken on this role of Mummy with her Baby born. Isla is conscious about her baby’s bedtime and her night time routine, making sure Baby born has had a bath and a story before tucking her into bed. (Please note: the Baby born sometimes leaks after her bath so we make sure she is wrapped up with a towel until she stops dripping from her feet). It’s also become a great playtime toy in the Summer evenings as Isla takes her out in to the garden and plays with her for hours. She loves water play.

The bathtub is super cute, I love the little pink feet and attached showerhead. It has a lot of features that Isla just loved discovering, she squeaked when the water came out of the shower. Not only does water come out of the shower, but the bathtub lights up and plays a Baby born tune. When the water is running it plays bubble and water noises, so it sounds like the baby is really in the bathtub. It only requires 3 AA batteries too which I think is brilliant. They are cheap and accessible so Isla can play with the bathtub for hours.

Baby born bathtub is £32 on, with next day delivery and free delivery if you have Prime! We were also sent the Baby born soft touch doll to review with the bathtub, you can find her on the Argos website.

I received the bathtub and soft touch doll by Baby born, in exchange for my honest review. All opinions and photography are my own.

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Last Update: Tuesday, 4th June 2019