Paying for car insurance is an incredibly delicate situation for most people, mostly because the cost for premiums is so high. Young drivers are particularly vulnerable to paying a lot since insurance companies have lower confidence in their driving. Proving that you can obey traffic rules, know how to drive responsibly and prioritise safety through taking tests from websites like Top Tests is a start. But really affecting your family car insurance rates will be harder.


Fortunately, there are a few things that you can do in order to slash the expenses and they are doable as well. The first place I would look is the MoneySuperMarket website, there is a comparison of car insurance quotes and helpful information.

Parents as second driver

A lot of parents try to slash the costs of car insurance for their kids by applying for the plan and naming themselves as the main driver. The Daily Mail has an article that talks about this particular issue and experts make it clear that this is a criminal offence. Often known as ‘Fronting’, this fraudulent act is not only a catalyst for a variety of financial and legal problems, it also doesn’t work because investigators would figure out the lie anyway.

As such, the sensible thing to do to cut the costs of car insurance, while still putting the parents and the younger driver in the plan, is to make the parent the second driver. This makes insurance companies feel more confident about the reduced likelihood for expensive incidents, and will yield better results than fronting as far as actual coverage goes.

Switch providers

A number of larger insurance companies often offer discounts to customers who switch over to them after leaving their old insurance provider. This can be a great deal if the current provider is stingy when it comes to the slashing of insurance costs. Although you have to make sure that you are not switching to an even worse company with terrible rates. So do your homework.

Haggle, haggle, haggle

You are allowed to negotiate when it comes to your insurance plan, the costs and the coverage, so don’t be afraid to try. Just make sure that you actually know what you are doing though, which some research over the net will remedy. One thing to note though is to never go overboard. Play your cards right and you could be looking at a far cheaper car insurance plan than you ever through possible.

The right policy

Choosing the right policy is an incredibly important part in trying to cut costs of insurance. The reason for this is that cheaper policies are not going to pay off if they don’t cover what you need them to cover and expensive policies might have coverage that you don’t need. The right way to go about it is to examine your own needs, what you are likely to encounter and how you are going to use your vehicle.

Avoid scammers

There was a report on The Telegraph website about ghost brokers where inexperienced drivers are particularly vulnerable targets. Saving money is great, but not if you are being scammed. This will ensure that your money is wasted for sure.

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Last Update: Sunday, 5th February 2017