I would say it depends on who you ask. But if you asked me, my answer would be a definite yes! Because I’m a parent, and I know how it has been such a beautiful thing to travel with my little ones from the time they were very very tiny. I love the thought of exploring new things with them as they grow up.

Don’t mind the many people saying that traveling with kids is a waste of money since some are too young to remember anything, or those Internet haters complaining about kids on the planes. Just use some help of Hotels.com coupons from Discountrue to get amazing discounts, organize the trip of your dreams and enjoy having the time of your life with your family. And if you’re still hesitating, check out some of the reasons why traveling with young kids is a great idea listed below and you’ll tell me if you don’t agree by the time you’re through with reading this!SAMSUNG CAMERA PICTURES

Kids make you blend in more easily

With little ones, you quickly more of a local. I’m sure you’ve come across those unscrupulous people who only see you as an annoying tourist and nothing more. However, when you have very little children with you, suddenly you become a normal and perhaps even more interesting person to them. Children are children, regardless of their religion, race, socio-economic status, and so on. “Can I hold your beautiful boy?” they may ask – it’s quite hard to resist the little ones! Children are a natural icebreaker, enabling you to connect with locals, strike up a conversation on the plane, learn something about your new destination because of their inquisitiveness. And another pro connected to this point is that…

Traveling with little ones is much safer!

I have a good experience with those crazy looks from people when traveling with young kids, especially the very little ones. But, although many of us think that it’s more dangerous, my experience tells me different. I once had the “misfortune” of being in a boat that was boarded by pirates around the beautiful but deserted islands in Mexico’s Sea of Cortez. You can’t believe it: when they saw that I was alone with an infant son, they just wished me safe journey and left! And I’ve also heard many similar stories. I’m sure you also know how a toddler’s smile can thaw even the inhumanity in corrupt police officers, opportunist mechanics or simply unfavorable people.

With kids you will try things you wouldn’t do by yourself

Little ones often take us to places we wouldn’t have gone on our own. Think you have no time to climb the Eiffel Tower this time round? But your daughter wants to have something to tell her peers at school! Think you’re too tired to go out today? But your son wants to play at the park with the little Italian girl you met there yesterday! Think you haven’t really found any traditional Croatian food that you like? But your kid wants to have lunch at that Zagreb restaurant down the road; maybe it’s time you found out why she has come to love it that much since you had dinner there once last summer! Time spent with kids passes very fast, and with all the fun you get to be a kid again!

As you take your kids with you next time you’re going out for a vacation, remember it has never been a walk in the park for anyone traveling with kids. Just do your best and have fun as you also help them enjoy their own outing. After all, having a very easy time isn’t the reason why you got into parenthood, is it?

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Last Update: Thursday, 10th March 2016