Eczema, also known as atopic dermatitis, is a chronic skin condition that causes dry, itchy, and inflamed skin. Eczema is a common condition that affects people of all ages, but it is particularly common in children.  During the colder months, eczema can become worse, as the cold weather and low humidity levels can cause the skin to become dry and irritated. Here are some tips for dealing with eczema in the colder months.

  1. Moisturise regularly: Moisturizing is an important part of managing eczema, and it is particularly important during the colder months when the air is dry and the skin is more likely to become dehydrated. Use a thick, unscented moisturiser and apply it immediately after bathing or washing your hands to seal in moisture.
  1. Use a humidifier: A humidifier can help to add moisture to the air, which can help to prevent your skin from becoming dry and irritated. Use a humidifier in your bedroom at night, and consider using one in other rooms of your home as well.
  1. Avoid hot showers: While it may be tempting to take hot showers to warm up during the cold weather, hot water can actually strip moisture from your skin, which can make eczema worse. Instead, take lukewarm showers and limit the time you spend in the shower to no more than 10 minutes.
  1. Wear gloves: Cold weather can cause your hands to become dry and chapped, which can trigger eczema flare-ups. To protect your hands, wear gloves when you go outside in the cold, and consider using a hand cream or moisturising lotion to keep your hands hydrated.
  1. Avoid irritants: Certain substances, such as fragrances and dyes, can irritate the skin and trigger eczema flare-ups. Avoid using products that contain these irritants, and opt for unscented, hypoallergenic products instead. The best soap for eczema will most often be a high-quality natural option, without any cheap chemicals. 
  1. Avoid scratching: Itchiness is a common symptom of eczema, and it can be tempting to scratch the affected area. However, scratching can damage the skin and make the eczema worse. Instead, try using a cold compress or taking an antihistamine to help relieve the itchiness.
  1. Dress in layers: When it’s cold outside, it’s important to dress in layers to keep warm. However, if you have eczema, it’s important to avoid clothing that is too tight or scratchy, as this can irritate the skin. Choose clothing made from soft, natural fabrics, and avoid wool and other rough materials.
  1. Talk to your doctor: If your eczema is not responding to at-home treatment, or if it is interfering with your daily activities, it’s important to talk to your doctor. Your doctor may be able to recommend additional treatment options, such as prescription creams or oral medications.

By following these tips, you can help to manage your eczema and prevent flare-ups during the colder months. Remember to moisturise regularly, avoid irritants, and talk to your doctor if your eczema is not responding to treatment. Check this post to see if you have Rosacea.

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Last Update: Thursday, 22nd December 2022

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