When your little ones get to a year old you can give them cow’s milk, you can give them formula milk or they may still be having breast milk. Our choice with Noah was to carry on giving him formula milk but we started to give him the Cow & Gate Growing Up Milk. Its a great formula, full of great vitamins and iron, and whats more you can actually smell the dairy from the formula. Call me crazy but it just has that smell!! Now up until Isla was born, being prepared for bedtime was a doddle, I was able to boil the kettle and prepare Noah’s bedtime milk in time, so that after his bath Noah could take his milk to bed and go straight to sleep. Now we have another edition to the family, the chance of being any kind of prepared is another matter. I often find myself rushing around the house inbetween screaming Isla because she is hungry, upset Noah because he is ready for bed and tired and getting that bottle ready at the right time, isnt something that happens very often.

When Cow & Gate started to sell his Growing Up Milk by the litre, ready made, yes thats right, ready made, I was very happy. Its so efficient and easy to just pour into Noah’s bottle and ping it for 30 seconds. (This is what I do, certain microwaves and amounts of milk may take longer or shorter times in the microwave, so please do not use my 30 seconds as a guide for your child) It sits in the fridge door along side the other milk we use, so we have Daddy’s milk (green top), Mummy’s milk (blue top) and little Noahs milk.

They also do a smaller bottle of the formula ready made so that if you are on the go, long journey or flying, you can take a small bottle which can be poured straight into a bottle. Its small enough to fit in a handbag, so it doesn’t take up too much room at all. Great idea.

You can buy both versions of the Growing Up Milk in supermarkets, I shop in Tesco mostly and I always see it in there, the formula, the small ready made bottle and the litre carton. We have just got Isla onto formula too and we thought that we would stick with Cow & Gate, so she is on the newborn formula.

To see more information about Cow & Gate’s Growing Up Milk please visit the website: http://www.growingupmilkinfo.com/

To see more information about Cow & Gate and all of their products please visit the website: http://www.cowandgate.co.uk/our_products/baby_milks/for_toddlers

You can like them on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/cowandgateuk

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family, reviews,

Last Update: Wednesday, 9th January 2019