Yes, next week is going to be the very first day at big school for Noah. So technically it isn’t Back to School with us, it is the very start of school. How can it be that time in our lives already where we are buying school uniforms? I probably say that far too much! But, in saying that I do believe we are ready for it! Noah is very ready to start school, you can see it in the things he does. So we have been busy online buying their F&F personalised school uniform and getting their feet measured and hair cut of course. I think we are ready. 



I am not sure if it is a boy thing or not, but he needs to get outside at some point every day. He loves running around, correction: charging around! He is learning a lot and soaking it all up, he knows his alphabet and he is grasping sounds of letters with words he says, like the sound of C in Car. He gets dressed himself, takes himself to the toilet, can do his own seatbelt – he does so much already for himself that I think he needs new challenges. Discipline is something of a concern for us too as he is going through stages at the moment of not listening or outright shouting “NO” at us. So I am hoping that learning rules and discipline at school will help with this kind of attitude he is presenting at the moment. 



I am not like these other Mums I hear, all sad and emotional and crying because their babies are leaving them to go to school. I suppose because they have been going to nursery and I was working full time up until a few months ago, my emotional stage was finishing maternity leave. For me, this is something that Noah needs and I am really excited for him. He will love it. Meeting new friends, learning new things, playing with new games and developing into a little boy from the toddler stages (When does that end by the way?). A little big boy as I like to call it! 



I was so proud when we did a trial of their new uniforms, they looked so cute and grown up all at once. Isla is moving up to the pre-school which is at the same school as where Noah is going. So they will still be relatively together which I thought was lovely, so we had to get Isla a uniform too. I loved the fact that their new school recommended we buy the uniform through F&F online, where they do a personalised embroidery service. The items were not half as expensive as I thought they would be and are fantastic quality. 



I am super excited for Thursday. 


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Beauty & Fashion, reviews,

Last Update: Tuesday, 1st September 2015