It’s coming up to Christmas and I will never forget the campaign “a pet is not just for Christmas”, it got me thinking about what life is like with small children and pets – it really isn’t a decision to take lightly.

IMG_8768.JPGNow, don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love my furbabies, but it comes to winter and routine and it is all just a struggle. Walking the dogs has to be done everyday, it isn’t something you can do once in a while – they love their routine. At the moment, because of the car accident, Daddy walks them every morning and this is usually before the little ones wake up. So when they get up we are all home and see each other for a short while before nursery and work. Then it’s sorting the kids out, housework and doing it all again when we get home. But then its feeding the animals, kids and then ourselves. That’s our weekday routine. It is hectic. It is stressful. But I love my animals. I would never consider giving them up or not looking after them properly.


My Jack Russell is 7 years old now, he is the Grandaddy of the animals. He is the one that looks after the others, he will clean the Cockers ears and the cats too, until they are all crimpy. It is very cute to watch, or toe cringing, depending on how you feel about that kind of thing. My little cat is 6 years old and he is a beautiful house cat. He is very dog like and play fights with my Jack Russell. He is his cat. Not mine. He meows to the Jack Russell. He snuggles up to the Jack Russell. He loves him. They grew up together, they spent every minute of the day with each other until we got our Cocker Spaniel. So we shouldn’t expect anything else. Our Cocker is now 5 years old. Are you sensing a theme yet? We have had no worries with any of the animals, except the normal, but our Cocker is a different story.


If you want a pet, not only consider the routine elements but also the insurance side of things. Getting insurance for your pet is as essential as getting your pet in the first place. One follows on from the next. We have had nearly a year of vet bills for our Cocker for his ears, he is prone to ear infections. It will never go away. He has medicine every few months, antibiotics and creams, he has even had surgery. It is not cheap. It does get stressful. But we won’t give up. We want him to be better. Insurance means that problems like this are paid for and not coming out of your already tight budgets. Yes, we have a tight budget. We have 3 pets and 2 small children to provide for, so making sense of your outgoings, well it makes sense.



Now after all the moans and groans about getting a pet and making sure it is in fact right for your family, there are the amazing things. The snuggles when you are poorly, the happiness they give you when you get home, every time, even if you were moaning and shouting the last time they saw you. The freedom of running around the beach or the park, having fun and being care free. The absolute love that the animals have for you. They are just there to be loved and give love out as well. They are amazing and I would not want my crazy Constant house any other way.


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Last Update: Tuesday, 23rd December 2014