There is plenty to consider when you’re selling your home, but a good place to start is to entice in prospective buyers by getting it ready for viewings. To find out how, read on… If you’re selling your home, you’ll no doubt understand how important it is to make sure that it is portrayed in the best possible light. So, considering house viewing ideas is essential. After all, you want to make it as attractive as possible for potential buyers, right? But how exactly can you spruce up your home ready for viewers? This is also good tips for Instagram loveable photos!

While you should obviously be doing the basics (keeping it clean is never going to hurt), there are several extra steps you can follow to make it stick in buyers’ minds. For all the right reasons, of course!

So, if you’ve instructed a residential property solicitors and are ready to bid your home farewell, pay attention to the following viewing tips to make sure that it finds its brand new owners.

A living room with white furniture

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9 Simple House Viewing Ideas to Keep in Mind

1.)  Tidy Up the Front of Your Home

First impressions count. So, if you’ve got people coming to view your home, the last thing you will want is for them to be put off before they’ve even set foot inside. Tidying up the front of your home, such as clearing your garden and cleaning your front door, will get the house viewing off to the perfect start.

It’s important to note that, if you have a front garden, it doesn’t have to be anything fancy – this isn’t the Chelsea Flower Show. Just be sure to cut the grass, deal with any weeds and trim back the bushes.

2.)  Depersonalise

Your home will understandably be full of your personal trinkets and photographs. That said, when you are preparing for a viewing, you’ll want to make sure that these are put away from view.

Buyers are much more likely to fall in love with your home if they are easily able to picture themselves living there. That’s much easier when they don’t have evidence of your family living there at every turn. 

3.)  Make Use of Smells

One of the first things people notice when they enter a home for the very first time is what it smells like. Whether it’s good or bad, house smells can leave a lasting impression and dramatically alter how someone perceives your home – so we want to aim for good smells!

Light some scented candles, open up the windows to let in some fresh air or, if you’re feeling especially fancy, why not fill your home with the smell of freshly baked cookies. Everyone like cookies, don’t they?

clear and white votive candle

4.)  Consider a Repaint

It’s entirely possible that you’ve opted for bright, or dark colours on the walls of your home. Whilst that’s all well and good, it may prove to be a sticking point when it comes to preparing your home for viewings.

Light, neutral colours are much more attractive for buyers, as they provide them with a clearer understanding of how they might be able to put their own stamp on the property. This is one of my favourite house viewing ideas!

5.)  Clear Away the Clutter…

If you’re preparing your home for viewings, it’s always a good idea to clear away anything that could be perceived as clutter. When we’re living somewhere for a long period of time, we may start to become oblivious to things that clutter up the place. So, you should remember that this will stick out like a sore thumb to anyone visiting for the first time.

Tidy away any of the things that are used on a daily basis and make the most of any storage solutions you have at your disposal.

6.)  …But Make Sure Your Home Looks ‘Lived In’

Cleaning and tidying only needs to go so far. If you want your potential buyers to really get a feel for the place, you should still give them a good idea as to what it’s like to live there.

Don’t feel the need to completely strip a room down to its bare basics or clear out furniture. This way, your buyers will be able to get an understanding of how they could adapt to living there, even if they don’t necessarily agree with your interior design choices.

7.)  Keep a Close Eye on Your Pets

If you have any pets, now is the time to keep a closer eye on them than ever. Unfortunately, not everybody is a huge fan of pets (crazy, right?) and they do occasionally have a tendency to misbehave at the least opportune moments.

If you have a viewing scheduled, it may be a good idea to get your pet out of the home for a few hours, so you don’t need to fret about keeping a watchful eye over them!

8.)  Pay Attention to Minor Details 

You’d be surprised what a keen pair of eyes are able to pick up. That means you should always be sure to pay attention to every minor detail around the house, no matter how insignificant you might think it is.

So, replace any faulty lightbulbs, buff out the scuffs in the skirting boards and fix any creaky doors to make the best impression.

9.)  Clearly Define the Purpose of Every Room

Everybody has rooms in their home which serve a number of different purposes. Sometimes, you might forget that the room you only use for laundry is actually supposed to be a designated bedroom, or a home office (especially important during COVID times).

Be sure to bring out the best in each room by preparing it in a way that clearly sets out what it’s supposed to be. And, if you’ve got a spare room that you never use, it wouldn’t hurt to temporarily convert it into something that would appear useful to buyers.

black and silver laptop on brown wooden rack

Are You Preparing Your Home for a House Viewing?

As you might be able to tell, there isn’t an exact science to preparing your home for viewing. Instead, think of it as more of an art you can slowly learn to perfect.

Have you got any more house viewing ideas you think would help people to sell their homes in a jiffy? Feel free to leave a comment below with your suggestions.

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Home Reviews,

Last Update: Wednesday, 24th March 2021

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