We as parents only want what’s best for our babies. When we notice that our children are suffering from an allergy or intolerance to cow’s milk, we want to find the best formula to help our precious baby. A Hypoallergenic formula is recommended for such allergies and intolerances to cow’s milk.

What are Hypoallergenic Formulas?

Hypoallergenic formula have the lactose protein from cows milk broken down into smaller pieces by a process called hydrolyze. This process makes the lactose protein in cow’s milk formula easier for the baby to digest, while also reducing the occurrence of an allergic reaction or intolerance. 

There are several different brands that make hypoallergenic formula. Some of these brands are organic while others are not. This is not just limited to the United States, baby formula is produced overseas in Europe as well. For example, there are American organic formulas and European organic formulas to choose from

An example of an American hypoallergenic formula would be Enfamil Nutramigen, which is not organic. An example of a European hypoallergenic formula would be HiPP HA (hypoallergenic) Combiotik, which is organic. 

In a world full of different type of formula’s, you want to make sure you choose one that is going to meet you baby’s needs, but also is made from the cleanest ingredients. Regular American formula will not help a baby with cow’s milk sensitivity or intolerance, and is full of chemicals and unclean ingredients. 

American Organic formula, while having some cleaner ingredients, still has chemicals that are bad for your babies. European Organic formula is held to a higher standard with more regulations for what can and can’t be added to a baby’s formula. Europe has the cleanest and healthiest formula available. 

 Signs Your Baby Needs This Type of Formula

  1. Extreme irritability or colic: If your baby seems very irritable or cries a lot after each bottle, your baby might have acid reflux. A hypoallergenic formula can help with this by reducing the acid in the stomach required to break down the lactose protein. 
  • Wheezing: If your baby seems congested all the time or is coughing, it could be a sign of a milk protein allergy. A hypoallergenic formula can help because it helps reduce allergies to lactose, therefore reducing the wheezing. 
  • Eczema: Is another possible sign of a milk allergy. With a reduction in the allergen from using hypoallergenic formula, your baby’s skin should improve within 2 to 4 weeks. 
  • Diarrhea or Vomiting: A milk intolerance can cause a baby to vomit or have diarrhea more than normal. The hypoallergenic formula helps by making the milk easier to digest, which then reduces the intolerance.
  • Snot looking stool or Blood in stool: This is a sign of possible acid reflux or an allergy that is irritating the lining of the stomach. As we have stated many times, the hypoallergenic formula helps reduce or eliminate this symptom by breaking the lactose protein into smaller pieces. 

What have we learned?

It is best to speak to your pediatrician before switching to a hypoallergenic formula. Knowing when to switch and how to switch is very important, so you don’t do any harm to your baby. The five signs listed above are a helpful guide as to what you should look for and when you should call your pediatrician. Watching your baby cry in pain and clearly uncomfortable can be very difficult, which is why so much research has gone into creating a hypoallergenic formula. Always make sure to do your research to find the best hypoallergenic formula for you little one. And if you are about to travel with baby, please make sure to check out my tips for travelling article.

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Last Update: Tuesday, 24th November 2020