Well this week I seem to be exactly the same weight as 2 weeks ago, strange but true! I think because I am getting a lot of exercise still (despite my pelvis telling me not to) I am maintaining the same weight.
At 31 weeks with Noah I started to put on a lot of weight in the last trimester and you could notice it in my face and ankles the most. Here is my 31 week bumpometer with Noah: https://mummyconstant.com/31-week-update/ I find it fascinating reading back, how I felt and thought about things in the first pregnancy and comparing it now. I hardly have time to think about being pregnant and I certainly haven’t got the same problems that I had back then, just different ones. I mention back ache, getting up for a wee in the night and the pain when I walk. But when I think back to the pain when I walk, its a lot worse this time around and a lot more painful, I am not sure if it was SPD with Noah or just a slight discomfort.
Speaking of which, I still haven’t managed to get hold of the physio – constantly engaged when trying their number. The midwives can’t help me as I have to book in myself, “apparently” and even the hospital couldn’t get me through to them. I feel a little helpless at the moment with it all, but it has helped not walking the dogs as much and doing as much hard core walking. Last week, I was walking dogs, Noah around St Neot’s in his buggy and just lots of walking around at the weekend. Maybe I do just need to chill out a bit now – but its very hard to do that when you have an 16 month old.
Bumpometer update
weight: 8 st 9lb
Measurement: 96.5 cms
The next 9 week milestones:
2 weeks – Mothers Day & Mumma’s birthday
3 weeks – Best friends sister having her twins EEEK (2 little pink bundles are going to make me melt)
5 weeks – Easter and a perfect excuse to eat a LOT of chocolate
8 weeks – Maternity leave kicks in
9 weeks – due date
I think that will make the next 2 months go pretty quickly!