Today was quite horrible, to be honest! I was fine, I felt strong and I didn’t feel like I was going to cry. Until my Dad turned up at the chapel and I immediately broke down. He was absolutely a different man. Broken. His uncles had to hold him so that he could stand/walk. He sobbed the entire way through the service, not a sob I have ever heard before. A broken sob. It was heart breaking to see and everyone around me felt the same. Everyone was wearing Liverpool shirts with my brothers surname and year of birth on the back, it was a nice touch. The funeral service was nice, some happy memories were talked about and it was nice to see a lot of family. Some of whom I had never met, or met when I was a baby. He had a good send off. Now I have to be strong for Dad until he rebuilds a new normal for himself. I suspect he will never be the same again. RIP Cole Porter, sleep well. 

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Last Update: Thursday, 27th September 2018