Today’s keyword for the #mummyphotoaday photo challenge, May day 28, is “cat”. My beautiful #cat Rocky, it’s his 11th birthday today. I remember the moment I met him for the first time, I never thought I would have a cat again as Hubby isn’t a cat person. But one day, 10 years and 10 months ago (roughly) Hubby returned home from work and as he opened the front door, he had his hands behind his back. Hubby had the biggest grin on his face you could imagine. Then all of a sudden I heard a teeny squeak. Rambo, by this point, was bouncing around his feet. Then Hubby revealed what he was hiding… the fluffiest ball of cuteness I’ve seen. 🥺

We named him Rocky as he was an engagement present from Hubby to me and I didn’t have my engagement ring at this point. Also, he followed suit with Rambo. We had a little Sylvester pattern going on. Not sure what happened when we named Snoopy! 🐾

I love my Rocky. He is a wonderful cat. Super temperament and I have Rambo to thank. Rambo took up ownership of him as soon as he arrived home. They’ve been inseparable ever since. I’ll share some pics on insta stories 💔


May day 28 photo challenge

I love seeing all of the variety of photographs each month. There’s nothing better than a photo challenge. I love the subjective element to the photo challenge too. Everyone’s perspective of the theme is different. It has made me smile seeing all of the images so far. Thank you so much for the support in my latest adventure

Here are the May prompts as a reminder, I would love for you to join in. Take a look at the photos that have been uploaded so far #mummyphotoaday.

Get the right tags

In order to join in with April photo challenge, you will need to use the hashtag #mummyphotoaday. You could link to @mummyconstant if you want too. That way I can comment and like the photos. Also, other people that are joining in will be able to find your photos too.

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Our Family,

Last Update: Tuesday, 28th May 2019