
We were very lucky to be sent a Cosatto Moova car seat for Isla, it is a very funky Group 1 car seat and we chose the adorable Boom Bloom version. It comes in a few different patterns, but we wanted one “fit for a princess”. There was a huge choice on the bambino direct website, but I couldn’t resist the Cosatto seat.


The Moova Group 1 car seat from Cosatto is super funky, yet cute for your little princess. I think you will agree the pattern and design is brilliant and it really does look comfy. The outer chair is lined with a felt-feel material and includes the reversible squidgy liner for extra comfort to the little babushkas.

The car seat has 3 different positions from up right to a more 45 degree angle, meaning that when your little princess nods off to sleep, she will be in the utmost comfort. The car seat is designed to be higher than normal car seats, so babushka can see more and this is meant to aid travel sickness – which is great because if she is anything like me, she will suffer from travel sickness.

One of the things I loved about this seat is the fact it has the reversible squidgy liner, but not only that it has the tummy and chest pads which are super squidgy too. I really get the feeling that Cosatto cared about the little ones when they were designing this car seat.


IMG_1541The Cosatto design is slightly different to other car seats, but you soon get your head around it and before you know it getting the car seat in and out of the car is like second nature.

If you notice from the photo to the right, you have the silver safety clasp and then further down you have the hook in the black plastic – if you also take a little look at the sticker, it shows you what you are meant to do with the seat belt to secure it to the seat of the car.

Before I put the seat into the car, I always make sure I have pulled the chair into snooze position, because this means I have the most room behind the seat to manoeuvre. The seatbelt is pulled across and I always plug it in first before hooking it around the clasp. I loosen the seatbelt slightly, so I have a little bit of slack and then I hook it into the silver clasp and then tuck it into the hook in the back of the chair, once I have done this I tug the seatbelt so that it is tight and that is it!

Once the seatbelt is plugged in and secured tightly to the car seat, you can put the car seat in to sitting position and get your bambino ready for her little car journey. I never get any complaints out of Isla when she is in her seat – which is a blessing, especially on long journeys. I will let you know how we get on after our summer holiday to Wales – as she will be in the chair for her longest journey yet (awake!).

Safety Details

This is a Group 1 car seat, which means babies from age 9 months + up to 4 years are safe and the weight that is recommended to be safe in the seat is 9kg to 18kg. If your baby is 9 months but does not weigh 9kg then please seek advise before risking travelling with a Group 1 car seat.




If you would like to view more fantastic products from bambino direct, including push chairs, high chairs, cot beds and car seats, then visit their website You can like them on their Facebook page, Google+ page and follow them on Twitter: @Bambino_Direct.


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family, reviews,

Last Update: Wednesday, 9th January 2019