Day 11 of the #12DaysofConstantChristmas competitions with MummyConstant and Lalaloopsy and today’s lucky winner will receive a Lalaloopsy Loopy Hair worthĀ Ā£35.Ā The incredible new Lalaloopsyā„¢ Loopy Hairā„¢ dolls have amazing hair made out of real yarn, which you can curl, twist, braid, brush and straighten into loads of different styles.Girls will have hours of fun getting creative with their Lalaloopsyā„¢ Loopy Hair doll. There are four dolls available to collect in the range:Ā Peanut Big Topā„¢, who was sewn on 1st April from a clownā€™s costume. She is a silly prankster who’s a little bit clumsy and loves to make her friends laugh.Ā Jewel Sparklesā„¢, who was sewn on 13th March (National Jewel Day) from a real princess’ dress. She is very graceful, a little bit bossy, and loves to dance and wear sparkly clothes.Ā Spot Splatter Splashā„¢, who was sewn on 25th October (International Artist Day and also Picasso’s Birthday) from a painter’s overalls. She’s super creative and loves bright colours, big messes, and eating spaghetti. She has a pet zebra.Ā Mittens Fluff ‘N’ Stuffā„¢, who was sewn on 21st December (First Day of Winter) from an Eskimo’s scarf. She loves hot cocoa, snow fights, and snuggling by the fire. She has a pet polar bear.


How do I win?

To win the Lalaloopsy Loopy Hair worth Ā£35 all you need to do is fill out the Rafflecopter Entry form below and hey presto. I will be keeping my fingers crossed for you. You have 24 hours to get your entries in…

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Competition closes 7am Wednesday 18th December 2013. Winners will be announced in the Rafflecopter form above within 48 hours, winners will need to email with their address details.


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Last Update: Tuesday, 17th December 2013