Although our homes are meant to provide protection against the world outside, some people may experience some suspicious symptoms whilst relaxing in the comfort of their own homes. As some of you may remember, I have a horrible dust allergy. To the point where just emptying the vacuum can make me sneeze instantly. These common yet uncomfortable symptoms are often associated with dust allergies. Below is a list of some of the telltale signs you could have a problem with dust particles, along with some simple ways to deal with a dusty home to reduce possible dust allergy triggers. 

Dust Allergies: Common Symptoms

Those who suffer from dust allergies may see either one or all of the symptoms listed below:

  • Sneezing
  • Eye irritation that causes eyes to feel itchy and sore
  • Eyes becoming red, dry or teary
  • A runny or blocked nose 
  • Shortness of breath
  • A wheezy or dry cough
  • Itchy, irritated skin

The symptoms listed above could worsen in different areas of the home or during/directly after cleaning as vacuuming, dusting or sweeping often disturbs dust, bringing it up into the air and making it easier for us to inhale. 

Removing or Reducing Dust Particles

There are a number of things that can be done inside the home to reduce the amount of dust, and therefore, help lower the risk of the dust allergy symptoms. Let’s not have a dusty home!

  • Vacuum your home on a regular basis. A stick vacuum cleaner makes removing dust particles from your home a quick and easy task.  If you find that your symptoms get worse whilst using your vacuum then wearing a mask may be beneficial. Those with severe dust allergies may also want to avoid the space for a period of time after cleaning to allow any dust that has circulated to settle.
  • Remove carpets, especially in the bedroom. If you suffer from allergies then carpeted areas should be avoided wherever possible. Opting for hard floors instead of carpets can make removing dust from your home significantly easier. If you must have carpets or rugs inside your home then ensure you clean them as often as possible using a good quality vacuum and carpet washer.
  • Limit the amount of soft furnishings in your home. Similar to a carpet, soft furnishings such as curtains, throws and cushions can all harbour dust so try to limit the amount of soft furnishings in your home, particularly in the bedroom. If you love having decorative scatter cushions on your bed then choose fabrics such as suede or leather that tend to collect less dust than other types of material.
  • Don’t give pets free rein of the house. If you’re suffering from dust allergies and also have pets at home then chances are that the hair and skin they shed around your home could be making your symptoms much worse. Pets may also be spreading dust around your home via their coats. Keep pets out of bedrooms, away from carpeted areas and be sure to keep the areas that you do share with animals as clean as possible at all times.
  • Keep your home clutter-free. Having less clutter around your house will make it much easier to clean and will reduce the risk of dust build-up. If you must have decorative ornaments, souvenirs, artwork or wall hangings, be sure to wipe them down regularly. Grouping such objects together can also make cleaning them much more efficient. 

Hopefully, the above information has shed some light on the symptoms and management of a dusty home. If you suspect you are experiencing dust allergies it’s best to go and see your doctor who may be able to pinpoint the cause of any allergic reactions you may be having. 

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Last Update: Wednesday, 20th May 2020