When you are looking for ways to boost your company brand, you need a multi-layered approach. You need all the usual marketing techniques a company will employ, such as advertising and a fully rounded social media presence, but you also need to get active in the local community. By doing this, you can create a great network of support from other local businesses as well as having a lot of scope to build relationships with key members of the community. You are simply finding more opportunities to expand and upgrade your business. By utilising the power of the local community, you will garner a lot of experience working with people and developing strategies to help connect with people in general. I love the idea of community engagement to boost your business.

Image from Pixabay

Join in with Local Events

Joining on with local events is a great way to get your business name out there. The best way to discover when local events are happening is to either contact your town council and go from there. If you are not a member of your towns Facebook page, join asap. If they don’t have one, why not create one yourself. To join an event, the best thing to do would be to them get in touch with the organisers and see if there is any way you can help out. Maybe you could lead a discussion on something of value. Perhaps you could take the mike for thirty minutes and give a talk about your business and how it is of selfie in the local community. Perhaps you could have a stall and d something a little more hands-on, perhaps showing children how you build your product and let them have a little go. You could give away some promotional freebies too. Most event organisers are more than happy to give you a pitch at an event. 

Lead an Event Yourself

Instead of being the one asking to join in, why not hist an event. You could use this time to showcase your products and services and give an introduction to how this benefits the community. You can also use it to lead a local discussion. Get as many participants as possible to join in, and create a space for open and honest communication. Perhaps lead discussions on how the local area can be improved, what works and what doesn’t, what they would like to see more of, for example. There are many ways you can boost community engagement Australia, which benefits all and gives you great data to build targeted marketing in the community.

Offer Apprenticeships 

This is a way to train up young people in a trade or craft that will benefit them throughout their lives. There may be limited opportunities for young people in your area, so why not embark on this avenue. You may be a little dubious at first, but so many youngsters enjoy these programs, and what’s more, they get paid an apprenticeship salary to do it. This could benefit them if they are unable to afford to go to Uni, and it will benefit you too.

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Last Update: Saturday, 21st August 2021