Admit it: travelling with the whole family can sometimes be a pain. Even though you endlessly enjoy their company, carrying around bulky prams and coordinating your child’s every move can be exhausting work. Thankfully we have got out of the pram stage now, but there are times where I wish I still had it. Most cases with our family, we mean our little furry friends too, and there are times where you wonder whether or not you could bring your pet along.

We all know, though, that travelling with pets can require more effort, but it could also be one of those experiences not to be missed. Thankfully nowadays, travelling with pets is much easier and more economical than ever before! Here is how to plan a holiday with the whole family.


Typically, travelling with your pet to Europe does require some planning. They require passports, micro chipping, and must have tapeworm treatment and rabies vaccinations before departure. Your dog must not return to the UK more than five days and no less than 1 day after the vet-administered tapeworm treatment. The route that you choose to take must also be cleared ahead and you should research just how pet-friendly your destination is.

Getting there

You should decide which method of transportation to use. The most popular routes are usually by way of air, and of course there is the car, and the train. If you are not travelling with your pet you must sign a declaration of owner not accompanying pet form. It is important to consider the health of your pet before taking them along on your journey. If you have certain dog breeds, like Pitbull Terriers or Bulldogs, make sure the country you plan to visit doesn’t have any dog bans or restrictions concerning these breeds.

Animal shipping, for example, provides animal shipping by air to places like Germany, Italy, and Switzerland, which nonetheless are the most child-friendly and pet-friendly countries in Europe. In these countries, most accommodations are pet-friendly and pets are even allowed in a variety of shops, and restaurants. Even in the most touristic places, pets are welcome, making it easy for you to sightsee with your companion. In Switzerland and Germany pets are also allowed on trains.

As you can see, travelling with your pet is not a simple task to be decided on whim. However, with a little planning and determination, you can have your furry friend on the holiday of your dreams.

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Last Update: Monday, 27th February 2017