I’ve recently been tagged in a great post from Baby, Me & Fashion and thought it would make for a great opportunity to write about “tagging in posts“.

When someone else tags you in a post, the best thing to do is read that post and make sure you are happy to participate. If so, lets get cracking…

Firstly, introduce the post by explaining to your readers, what it is about and why you are doing it, also who it was that tagged you to take part in the first instance.

Well as I mentioned previously, this was a tag from Baby, Me & Fashion. She asked me to write my answers to some questions that she thought of, because she wants to get to know her readers and lets face it, it gives us mummies something to talk about! 

If there are any rules for the post then they need to go after the introduction, before the “to do” part comes.

The rules from Baby, Me & Fashion are: 
1) You must post the rules
2) Post 12 fun facts about yourself in the blog post
3) Answer the questions the tagger has set for you in their post and then create 12 new questions for fellow bloggers you plan to tag
4) Tag 12 people and link to them on your blog
5) Let them know you tagged them

Copy the “to do” part of the post, this is usually a set of questions or pointers or things you need to do.  Baby, Me & Fashion asked me to answer the following questions:

1) Where is your favourite place in the world?
2) If you could give your teen self some advice, what would it be?
3) Where is your favourite place to shop for children’s clothes and why?
4) What would you do if you won £100,000?
5) What cheers you up when you’re feeling low?
6) Who is the most influential person in you life?
7) What would be your dream holiday?
8) What do you love to do the most with your child/ren
9) Why did you start blogging?
10) If you could travel back in time, where/when would you go back to?
11) Who was your funniest crush as a teenager?
12) What’s the funniest thing that’s ever happened to you?

Then fill out your responses to the questions underneath, formatting the answers how you want.

1) Where is your favourite place in the world?
My most favourite place in the world has to be Langkawi, where I stayed on my honeymoon in Malaysia. It is one of Malaysia’s islands and we stayed in a tree house on the beach, which I have to say is the most amazing few days of my life. I loved waking up to the sound of the waves and the beautiful beach below us. 

2) If you could give your teen self some advice, what would it be?
Don’t be foolish with your money, invest in property as early as you can and work hard… it WILL pay off for you.

3) Where is your favourite place to shop for children’s clothes and why?
I love shopping for Noah’s clothes in TK Maxx because there is always a good choice of clothes and they are really funky, they last a long time and not too expensive.

4) What would you do if you won £100,000?
WOW, I would buy my Constant family “most” of a house, or put a rather hefty deposit down on one and maybe upgrade the Constant Voiture, I think ours is dying! 

5) What cheers you up when you’re feeling low?
A cuddle from my boys (including hubby) and a nice long soak in the bath! Nothing beats getting rid of those blues than baking yourself a nice hot bath. 

6) Who is the most influential person in you life?
Until I met my husband, I would have to say my Mumma. But now there is 2, hubby and mumma. Depends on the thing that is being influenced, as I am pretty sure hubby wouldnt influence me on clothes etc whereas mumma would. 

7) What would be your dream holiday?
Maldives, All Inclusive – Relaxing and hot sunshine, no need to get up and plenty of good food.

8) What do you love to do the most with your child/ren
I love teaching Noah things, he is only 15 months so at the age where he is picking things up and copying you. He understands what you say to him, just cant quite say it yet. So when he touched his nose and foot for the first time, after me showing him, I was very proud! I love this age, he is just fascinating.

9) Why did you start blogging?
I started blogging because I wanted an on-line diary of my pregnancy with Noah, I started it when he was 9 weeks (as a foetus) and I have kept it going since.

10) If you could travel back in time, where/when would you go back to?
I would go back to my wedding day and relive it all again, we had such a fabulous day and I would love to take the children back in time (When they are older) to experience the day with us. It was such a great party and everyone had a great time, I just loved it.

11) Who was your funniest crush as a teenager?
Can I say my husband, ha-ha. Seriously though, he was 5 years older than me and he was the “coolest” guy in school. (Now I have seriously let myself in for it!) I had a massive crush on him, I thought I would never get to be with him as I didn’t think that our paths would ever cross. Funny what happens 10 years later!

12) What’s the funniest thing that’s ever happened to you?
This is a hard one for me, lots of funny things happen to me, all the time. Especially as I can be quite dappy at times. I do funny, silly things all the time and I am always laughing… I might have to come back to this one! 

When you are happy with your answers, you need to choose some other fab bloggers to carry on the momentum. The rules of the tag I have been posted in are to choose 12 bloggers to carry it on, because Baby, Me & Fashion said so in her rules. List the 12 bloggers and make their names a hyperlink to their own blog, to create a network for the tagged posts.

So my 12 fabulous bloggers I am going to choose are: 

  1. Chelseamamma
  2. I want my Mummy
  3.  Real Housewife of Suffolk
  4. Patch of Puddles
  5. Would like to be yummy
  6. Mummybird
  7. Multiple Mummy
  8. Mummy Daddy Me
  9. Makeshift Mummy
  10. Dear beautiful boy
  11. Mummy Loves
  12. Mostly Yummy Mummy

When you have chosen your bloggers list, tell them what it is you want them to do. Either copy the same questions for them to answer, or choose some different ones. (Sometimes they might be quite specific questions, so you might not be able to change them).

My questions for you to answer are: 

  1. What did you do for Valentines Day yesterday?
  2. How many children do you want and how many you got currently?
  3. How long have you been writing your blog?
  4. What makes you go back to someones blog? 
  5. What did you feel like when you experienced the very first scan? 
  6. Are you planning a holiday this year with the children, if so, where? 
  7. What’s your favourite FREE thing to do with the kids? 
  8. How many times do you tweet a week? 
  9. Do you have pets? How many and what? If not, would you consider getting them?
  10. What cheers up your little ones if they are crying? 
  11. What do you generally do after bedtime each day? 
  12. What is the most memorable thing you have done to date? (Apart from having the children!)

When you have finished, give your post a conclusion and that’s it. Often thanking people for taking part and “cheering” them on to continue the post tagging, is a good thing to do. Then make sure you let your blogger list know that they have been tagged…

So, thank you for reading this post and I am really looking forward to seeing all of your answers and tag posts! Please let me know if you have taken part and I will make sure I stop by to read your post with a nice cuppa tea. Adios Amigos.

Was this helpful? If so, please comment and let me know… I do love your feedback.

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Last Update: Thursday, 19th July 2018