Today marks the birthday of my little sister, who is 21, so in the past 7 months I have celebrated my Grandma’s 80th, my 30th, my Grandad’s 90th and now my little sisters 21st. I am very lucky to have such a beautiful family and such special celebrations to share with them.


Today is also the birthday of my Great Grandma, my Grandma’s mum would have been 117 today. Sadly she passed away before I was born, so I never got the chance to meet her like Noah and Isla have with their great grandparents, but I hear stories and Grandma keeps photos around the house. This is a photo that Grandma and my Uncle have on display, my uncle took a lovely photo of it with some beautiful flowers. It made me smile and so I had to share it:


My Great Grandma, Alice, was born on the 24th June 1896, it sounds like such a long time ago doesn’t it? She was born in Birkenhead and stayed there her whole life, where she married my Great Grandad John Jesse Williams in 1932. I think my Grandma looks a lot like her mum in this photo:


I love finding out about my ancestry and I am always quizzing my grandparents about “What they did?” and “Where they came from?”, I have a hefty tree growing in my Ancestry account, its a little hobby of mine. I told you about how I found my Grandad’s New Zealand relatives in another post here.

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Isla Rae,

Last Update: Monday, 24th June 2013