Isla and Noah recieved a couple of Sing-A-Ma-Lings last week. They had a couple when they were younger and knew exactly what to do with the new fun toys. They sing, they make silly noises and they look totally bonkers. Which, are all great things for children. I am not sure where Noodle’s top went as Isla is going through this stage of undressing all of her toys! He comes with a red tee normally. 

The children were sent Darcy and Noodle. As you can hear in the video, Darcy is quite high pitched and Noodle is low, this is so that when they sing together the harmonise. Noodle sings On top of spaghetti, if you press his hand he changes singing modes. Darcy sings Twinkle Twinkle little star and also changes modes when you press her hand. I love getting them to sing together.

There are a variety of characters to choose from. Including Noodle and Darcy, there is Bo (orange), Blush (pink), Sawyer (light blue) and Frankie (yellow). They are great for a cuddle and a singing battle too, the children have fun seeing who can squeeze the tummy’s the quickest. 


You can buy them from Argos, they retail at £9.99. They would make a great Christmas present for a young family member, especially if they have siblings to make them harmonise together.


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Last Update: Thursday, 19th July 2018