Hopefully, the rain has backed off a little bit now so that we can enjoy a good month or so of summer. Now, with that in mind, the question of what to do is upon us! I am not quite in the realms of summer holidays yet, it is just a normal August for us at the moment (that will all change next year) but there are still things I want to do with the children that will make it a nice summer for us all, with some nice memories.
It is funny because there are so many things you can do, when you sit and put your mind to it – the list just flows. But I find it hard to put that list together sometimes, so here is my little top 10 things to do before this summer is out:
- We do a lot of walking and exploring. Why not travel a little further than normal and explore somewhere new. I was recently told about a place near London where you can explore the 100 acre wood and find Winnie-the-Poohs house. That sounds like a lot of fun for me and the kids! Or go on a bug safari, grab some nets and a magnifying glass and go out in search of bugs. Have you seen Disney’s A Bugs Life, a great family movie to get you in the mood for a bug safari?
- Go somewhere to get some amazing family, summer photos. Dress the little ones in cool outfits, make a little extra effort yourself and find the perfect spot for a family photograph. There are places near where I live that are just amazing for backdrops, like Hitching Lavendar. The lovely photos that you get from it will make super presents if you have birthdays over the summer/autumn and what lovely memories you can capture. Now the only thing you may need from this is a tripod, which you can grab reasonably cheaply from the internet and websites like Groupon will always do deals on goods which you can find here: www.groupon.com/goods.
- Get the children involved with the chores! This is something we have been talking about a lot recently, the children wind themselves up when we are at home without an agenda. Getting them to help with the things you need to do around the house and garden means that they have a purpose. One of the main things we have to do is sort the garden out, ready for the new playhouse, so get the children to help. Give them tasks to complete and a checklist to tick off.
- One of the things that children love to do is build forts and play camping. What better way to explore the garden than to build the best form outside in the garden, whilst the sun is shining. We do love camping and having a special, secret camp in the garden would be a lot of fun for the little ones.
- Find a new camping location, one thats different, it is always nice to find new locations and have different scenery. Research the location before hand and get a checklist of things to explore that are near, get the children to check the items off the list and they can earn themselves a little ice cream treat!
- Get fit and have fun with it. I noticed some really good deals on fitness watches: get out and about with the children, go on a bike ride around the town where you live and track how many calories you have lost along the way. Teach the children about healthy eating and exercise a long the way.
- Do you own chalk at home? If so, did you know you can use chalk on the concrete or better still on the bed of the trampoline. You get creative with the chalk and even get some fun photos of the children along the way, a great idea from my wonderful friend Lucy from Capture by Lucy, you can see her ideas here: capturebylucy.com.
- Obviously, in England we have quite an array of weather across the summer months. So when it does rain, put on your wellies and go out and splash around as much as you can. The children love splashing around in wellies and it makes me feel happy and care free afterwards too.
- Make fun washing up glove finger puppets, with all the minion craze at the moment why not make cute little minion washing up glove finger puppet, the children will love making and crafting and they will love making a minion.
- Who loves going on a treasure hunt? I love being creative, so this is fun for the grown ups as well as the children. Get them to dress up as pirates. Make a map and treasure the night before. Hide the treasure and the clues around the garden and hey presto you have a fun treasure hunt. Depending on the ages of your children and the size of your garden this could take up an entire morning. If you do not have a big garden, you can always do this in the park (if you can hide the treasure quickly).
If you want to #MakeLifeLessBoring then do visit Groupon and see what offers and deals are available in your area, you will not be sorry. You can keep up with their deals and highlights on the Groupon Facebook page too.